why do people like it?

I am truly surprised to see how many people like this movie.

There are so many light-heart decent gay themed movies out there with actual story-lines.

I don't mind the low production value or even the awkward acting moment. but the script is so unconvincing! i can see what they are trying to say, but they say it without any real depth, it's like an infomercial.

there's not even a real building up to the crisis moment. They do try with some very predictable development, but the execution is so lame!

the sub-plot with nathan's family was equally unconvincing.

plus, the dialogues were so bad! familiar innuendos (even at inappropriate moments; I know it's a comedy, but there's a limit).... delivered so badly it made me groan every time.

Plus, it wasn't very positive towards gay teens, IMO. There are many good, happy-ending movies about coming out these days. This one makes staying in the closet look very sneaky.

am i asking for too much here?



What do gay teens have to do with this film? The principal characters were college seniors aged 22.

As for the dialogue, my partner and I loved the double entendre, and we had to pause the film a couple of times to wait until we'd stopped laughing.
