MovieChat Forums > Mars Needs Moms (2011) Discussion > Earth Needs Less 3D Movies

Earth Needs Less 3D Movies

They have gone way to far with the 3D frenzy. Most 3D movies are not worth watching in that format. Maybe if this movie charged cheaper prices for tickets, more people would take the risk of watching it.


Agreed, though for different reasons.

3D would be more readily accepted if it actually changed the experience, rather than being a lousy 'WOAH' gimmick that noticeably affects an entire two scenes out of the movie.

(Clash of the Titans and The Last Airbender come to mind)

Legend of the Guardians and How To Train Your Dragon had commendable 3D mainly because they used it consistently (flying scenes, slow motion, unique camera angles) AND didn't rely on it to sell tickets, providing a movie that was interesting and gorgeous in 2D as well.

Companies need to either make their 3D significant/unique or just make movies that can stand on their own two feet. The second they want 3D to sell the tickets is the second their ratings plummet and they lose money.





I watch movies in 2D to judge them on writing merit. Most Hollyweird junk is so poorly written nowadays that 3-D is needed just so the public gets something out of it.

Dudester's Axiom: Spoon fed garbage long enough, people will aquire a taste for it.


Is someone putting a gun to your head to make any of you watch a 3D movie? New 3D releases have 2D showings as well. Then, after a week or two, they are shown exclusively in 2D. In most smaller markets, the movie is released only in 2D. Hey, if you don't like 3D, then march your little self right over to the screen next door and watch it in 2D. I and millions of others enjoy the added dimension of 3D. Why should you dictate to us what we can watch?


^Amen to that brother (or sister).

I usually watch movies in 3D just because that's what my boyfriend wants but I can go either way.


Solution: Dump your boyfriend.

...Or have an eye removed.



Dude, if you don't like 3D then give some legitimate reasons. But telling a bold face lie? That's funny.


Most films now are only 3D and rarely shown in 2D and alot of cinemas now are not showing 2D films and are only shown in select cinemas. Even film trailers are making this known Thor springs to mind on the trailer it says in Digital 3D and 2D in selected theatres. We are being forced to see films in 3D because of the rarity of 3D films being shown in 2D


You're right. I had to watch Thor in 3D. There was no 2D option.

Aaah, buckle this.



I loathe 3D as being intrusive rubbish which breaks that magical sense of immersion every great is capable of generating (i.e., three minutes into Casablanca and you're no longer even noticing that it's a B&W movie).

(3D also sucks the high, hard one if you're vision-impaired and prefer glasses to contacts.)

Ten years ago, I could go to a plex theater on opening weekend and see the big smash film playing on three screens with conveniently staggered times. Now, every other slot or screen is showing the 3D version; meaning that spur-of-the-moment cinema attendance is no longer possible.


It still hasn't come to that yet but very soon they will start putting a gun to our head to watch 3D. I had a hard time finding a 2D screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 in any of the 5 multiplexes where I live and I hated the 3D print so much (due to blurriness) that I had to go see a 2D screening again at a distant theater.

3D is becoming so mainstream and is selling so much more due to overwhelming amount of gullible people buying the gimmick of 3D that theaters are starting to phase out 2D. It will happen eventually just like they phased out B&W cinema.

To be honest, the only 3D film I have ever enjoyed apart from Avatar was Christmas Carol (2009) and that one really blew my mind as to how good it was.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin


I love modern 3-D movies - especially the Disney 3-D and Imax 3-D films I've seen. It is cool when I am watching a movie, but it almost feel like I am looking into a window watching the story unfold. Occasionally, things pop through the window and sometimes it looks like it is snowing or raining in the theater. Those moments make me feel like a part of the movie rather than just watching it on a big screen. It is definitely worth the extra $3 or so for that experience.

"Its nothing personal when bombs explode" - Chuck Palahnuik


i couldnt agree more


You are SO right. The 3-D thing is out of control! That said I wouldn't have watched this even if it had been in 2-D. I saw nothing in the trailers that made me think I would like it. It is not up to Disney standard as far as I can tell, & the reviews/box office results seem to back me up. Disney should sweep it under the rug as fast as possible & try to disassociate themselves from it.


What does 3d do? What is the point? It isnt life like, its pointless

Im 13 and I can hate movies. Deal with it!


Exactly. There are very few movies where 3D is actually done well. Most of the movies have a few 3D moments and the rest is same as 2D but they sell it as 3D anyway with an extra $5 added to the cost of ticket. Now that really sucks.

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither ~ B. Franklin


Fewer 3D movies... Less 3D would imply that you wanted movies that were 3D to have less 3D in them (like turning down the 3D volume)... although that wouldn't be a bad idea either.

:P Hehe


Exactly, which is why Christopher Nolan didn't fall for the 3D frenzy with The Dark Knight Rises (even when Warner Bros pressured him) because it just didn't work with the film. He shot it all in IMax form though, which I think is better with more high def and larger screen display.

Certainty of death, small chance of success... What are we waiting for? - Gimli
