some questions

just finished watching the first 2 series and i have some questions

1. when andrews asks kelvin about the survivors of the raven hill explosion he says 4 dead and 2 critically injured the 4 who died were the camera man and the guy who was shot in the halloween speacial, nicola (the woman who was drained of her blood by joy) and mr jolly, and we saw that tea leaf, lomax and the asian girl were all injured so what about kenchington, she wasnt one of the 4 mentioned to have died, was her body even dicovered

2. what were the metal particules inside the locket, if the actual locket was pointless why have anything inside

3. was it always part of andrews nano tech to use the head of the nazi guy, as it seemed it was just a case of chance that it ended up there, if jelly had never gone to get it under the guise of jolly and then met bishop it seems it may never have ended up at andrews nano tech

4. how did bishop know so much about andres, the locket and what was going on, i know he knew alot about the nazi guy as he kind off worshipped him but that doesnt explain how he knew so much about the others

5. what was with kerri where did her telekinetic powers come from, magic, genetics etc, how did she know about andrews nanotech and what she would find there.

6.when the librarian was looking at the vol 2 book at the end there were no words in the book, what did this mean, was the book never real, was it all in his head ?

7. what was the point of hatti, i enjoyed her character but she didnt add anything to the overall arc and story of the show

8. who was the 2nd person mentioned by kenchington in the halloween special she mentions to the young guy she thought he had been sent by andrews or stroheim, who is this mysterious Stroheim and why mention this person if we never learn anything about them.

9. who did the nun call when the asian girl wrote finney, she said that she was told to contact that person if anything changes, then next we see her working with david to get finney, but why would she contact david she had never met him before and david had nothing to do with finney until that point. i didnt understand this part, and who was the third person in the car who flashed there lights at david when he knocked finney out
