Super Sentai Dubbing

Now that Power Rangers will be arriving at it's end, I would like the next generation will be dubbing instead of making an american version.

Me as fan of Power Rangers I want the 2009's Super Sentai series dubbed without censore, I would like to watch Power Rangers in it's original format.



I have to agree that that would be interesting to see that happen. Even though I like Power Rangers more than Sentai It'll be good to see Sentai in it's original form and to give kids more of a chance to try something a little different!


Super Sentai should be dubbed.

There is an episode of "Power Rangers Dino Thunder" called "Lost & Found in translation". when the dino rangers watched on tv the dubbed version of Abaranger.


No. I'd rather there be no more PR than them just dubbing Shinkenger and calling it by the American name.

R.I.P. America, 1776 - 2008
Bring back Scott & Charlene to Neighbours
