MovieChat Forums > Power Rangers R.P.M. (2009) Discussion > Idea for Power Rangers Series

Idea for Power Rangers Series

My friends and I came up with a storyline for a Power Rangers series

Title: Power Rangers: Matrix Squadron


Cdt. Ashton Marke- Matrix Red
Cdt. Topher Marke- Matrix Blue
Cdt. Lindsay Kwan- Matrix Pink
Cdt. Tyler Dawson- Matrix Green
Cdt. Kendra Asaya- Matrix Yellow

The Matrix Squadron is a league of Power Rangers who are cadets in a Military Facility where only the best are trained...Think of the Matrix Squadron as Navy SEALs. In training to become rangers, about 100,000 applicants are accepted into training...1000 are passed into the facility, however only 5 will be chosen to become the Matrix Rangers.

The story is set in the year 2645. The evil General Salax created this program called Motorak, which would destroy the world by remote natural disasters...the Matrix Squadron's mission is to stop Motorak before it is too late.

The Matrix program also includes a special glitch only avaliable to rangers under special request, however due to the high level of national security, the avaliability of this glitch has been approved to all 5.

Along with the Matrix Morpher, which would morph the rangers into the team, with a Virus Key, it can over-ride the morpher to engage historical documents to changes the matrix rangers into upgraded rangers from the past. Example...

Matrix Red can, with an over-ride, can change into any past red ranger.

The Morph Roll Call is:

Matrix Online...

to upgrade its:

Matrix Online...Over-ride upgrade

then they must call the morph call of the ranger they chose to morph into example lets say Matrix Blue chooses to upgrade into the Blue turbo ranger....he would say

Matrix Online....over-ride upgrade...mountain blaster turbo power!

The rangers before the training had never before met except matrix Red and Blue who are brothers. Ashton and Topher, Ashton has been Matrix Red for over 5 sessions *years* and Topher up until this session was the former Matrix Black but it was discontinued as the suit was destroyed in battle and redesigned to Matrix Green...but Topher was assigned Matrix Blue so when Ashtons 5th session is over he could move to Red...(each ranger has a contract to the Squadron for 5 sessions. MAXIMUM!)

What do u guys think...
