Why Do They Say This?

Right befor they morph someone ask "Ready?" then everyone else says "Ready!".

Just once I would like someone say they are "not ready." (My guess it would be Ziggy to say he is "not ready" he is most likely candidate for this idea.)

Hello caller, this is Mr. Obvious. What is your problem?


(My guess it would be Ziggy to say he is "not ready" he is most likely candidate for this idea.)

Funny you should say that. Watch this YouTube video of RPM bloopers, and pay attention to the one beginning at 25 seconds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWz-tmPYPJg


Yeah it could be a case of "Ready?" "Err no not really I gotta go pee!" or something like that!!

Funny how the Rangers never need a toilet trip in the middle of a fight eh?!!


Actually, in one episode, I dont remember the name, but it's the episode when they leave the dome to go to Omega City and then they lose control of the Go-Onger van, when Scott says 'Ready?' Flynn's like No, I'm not ready....'



Actually if you watch Ranger Yellow part 2, Summer says "ready?" and the other guys fumble with their morphers for a few seconds, because they weren't ready.

The word "genius" isn't applicable in football. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein.
