undercover cops?

im a bit confused...

was the black guy an undercover cop too? or was he set up by the dirty undercover cop to take the attention off himself!?


yeah they kind of skimmed over that

the guys in the van had a wiretap on the main bad guy, if you pay attention they listen to conversations that arent over the phone so someone was wearing a wire which i guess was the black guy.

the only thing that doesnt make sense is why he would shoot defendor with rubber bullets knowing it would tip them off, but maybe he figured that would deter any normal person and during their fight he told him repeatedly he was in over his head and to stay down clearly not the actions of a criminal soldier.

its weird that they left it unexplained but at the same time i just realized police officers getting killed in the line of duty kind of overshadows defendor a bit so maybe they downplayed the good police involvement in the movie


thankyou. thought id missed some vital info somewhere!
