Is this the next one?!

Is this like Kingdom Hearts 3?! I know they have some games in between like the final mix one, which I don't really understand but is this the continuation from the second one?

When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.


No. This game takes place from the birth of Roxas, through his time in the Organization, all the way up to him being put in the virtual Twilight Town, and setting the stage for Kingdom Hearts II. You could call it a midquel in the series.


Aww man, when is the next one coming out!? Jeesh... thanks tho!

When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.


Ahhh geez! Everyone is going crazy over KH3. People, Nomura hasn't even announced it yet. He has talked about more to come after these three games: Days Later, Coded(which is currently available for Japanese cell phone users), and Birth By Sleep (which is going to be for PSP). They are still working on the latter, but Days Later is complete and will be released in North America very soon.
This game is a lot like Chain of Memories for the Game Boy Advance. It's a bridge. And actually takes place in the same time period as CoM, but as a different side of Sora.

30% of what I say is a joke. Get used to it.


I can't wait!
I'm glad this game will be about Roxas though

ee cummings kills a kitten.
-libba bray


That will be fun. I'm excited too. I mean now I can fight heartless on the go! :)
I got obsessed over Roxas when KHII first came out. So this will be fun. A game starring him.
Oh and Axel will be in it a LOT. He rocks.
30% of what I say is a joke. Get used to it.


If you're in America, then it's coming out September 29th of this year. I'm not sure when it'll come out in other countries, although it might already be out in Japan. I haven't bothered to check, since I really only care about when it'll come to America.

A friend will bail you out of jail. A true friend will be in there with you!


I hope they get around to making a third one because I want to know what that d*mn letter said after the credits of the second game. I'm super annoyed. I will enjoy the "midquel" but still hope for a third KH. maybe we should email disney everyday with the same email about making a third one until they I'm stoked to see Roxas it'll make more sense from his point of view instead of just the beach convo and the reports.

-it's a cold, cold world when you don't wear pants- sb


Relax they are making KHIII eventually, but not until Coded, Days, and BBS are out and they finnish up Versus XIII. Nomura pretty much said he wanted a break from Sora's story for a little bit.
