Glitch in the Alladin world.

I'm not sure if anybody else has gotten this glitch yet, but I had a strange occurrance in the Alladin level of this game.

I haven't played this game in a while, so I don't remember enemy names, what day it was in the game etc. etc., but I'll try.

It's the mission for Alladin where you follow Pete around Agrabah without him noticing you, and then he finds that hole that goes to the treasure place. In that place, in the room with the pillars that go up and down, there are those Heartless that look like car horns and the heal the other Heartless. When you are on the bottom during that level, try to get the horn Heartless to one of the pillars. I did this once, and the Heartless got stuck in the pillar!!! I couldn't reach it, and it just stayed there and then eventually it just walked out of the pillar, and I couldn't do that again with the Heartless.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around, you could miss it- Feris Bueller
