MovieChat Forums > The Irishman (2019) Discussion > People complaining about the length

People complaining about the length

Is this coming from an younger generation because I don’t understand why people are complaining about the length. So many of the greatest movies of all time are 3+ hours like Lawrence of Arabia, The Godfather, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, Schindler’s Lost, LOTR trilogy, Ben-Hur, Gone with the Wind and much much more. I rather have a complete movie and earn my money’s worth then some rushed crap. I feel like it has to be this younger generation who just don’t have long attention spans. This movie flew by and I honestly wished it was longer.


This, all day long


I wonder if Scorsese's older movies would have been a lot longer if he had the full creative control he finally have here.


It didn't feel long at all, and once it was over it was clear that it couldn't have been any shorter. The story was told in a concise fashion, it was simply a long and complex story that needed room to be told in full.


I don't think the generation gap has much to do with it. I'm sure there were people who weren't into the length of the movies you mentioned back when they came out as well.

The Irishman was great, but definitely could have cut a good 40mins or so.


As much as I agree it doesn't necessarily have anything do with generation because of my father who can't watch a movie longer than 2h in piece, I think it does have to do with the era we live in. All present technology makes it almost too easy to get entertained and distracted. This indeed does have a bad effect on people's attention spans. While watching a movie in the 70s, nobody thought "hey, I could be texting/gaming/watching something better right now". Whether it was in cinema or on tv, you most likely didn't have anything better to do instead of watching the movie, so you tended to appreciate it lasting longer.


If you're watching a movie and thinking of other things you could be doing, it sounds like a problem with the movie.
If something is entertaining, it keeps us entertained. It's that simple.


It took me two sittings to finish it, but I didn't mind the length. It could have been shorter but ultimately it wasn't hurt by the length. And this is one of the benefits of doing it for Netflix. Directors can make the movie without having to make cuts that they wouldn't otherwise want to do, and people can watch the movie at their own pace and leisure.


Great movie, but the last half hour or so was a bit too much, could of slimmed those scenes down a little.


It's a mature film that doesn't sacrifice character development for mindless action. This means the film is slower paced than many other films released these days. I found it to be a refreshing change of pace. I loved it and hope it sets a trend for future films.


I don't get it either. I'm over half way through the movie right now as I type this and I have no complaints. Didn't even realize how long it was because it's that good of a film to me.


This precisely. If a movie is good, its entertaining...and who complains about being entertained for too long? "Was just too much damn entertainment! RIDICULOUS!!"
