Should have been called, California Moon...
OK, a back-woods boy from Alabama with an annoying California accent...
The ONLY believable performance was the judge, the only role that was remotely authenticaly "Southern".


I agree. I couldn't even watch the whole thing because the accents were ridiculous. I live in Alabama and I've known some people who have only slight accents, but you could still tell they were Southerners. There is no excuse for the director not to have either hired kids with southern accents or to have required the kids to use one for the film. If you want to witness a non-Southern child do a good Southern accent then watch Elijah Wood in The War.


They would sell fewer copies if they had the actors talk with a regional accent.

My name is Colin Creevey
and I'm a photoholic.


I disagree. A lot of movies involving the south have a tendency to go overboard with the accents. I have lived in Alabama all my life (30+ years) and I had no problem at all with the accents in Alabama Moon.


There's no such thing as a California accent.
I understand if you say the Alabama southern accents were done badly, but Native Californians have no discernible accent.


Ever seen any Pauly Shore movies? He has a California accent.
