Chris Rock/Chris Tucker imitator drags this show down

Just watched this for the first time and it seems like an entertaining show except for the guy who is imitating Chris Rock/Chris Tucker. He totally doesn't fit in with the context of the show, and he is extremely unfunny. He's dragging the show down a lot. It would have been much better to either exclude him from the show, or write him way better.

Is this the case of them just trying to cast a token Black guy despite having nothing creative to do with him so they gave him dumb, stereotypical lines, or what's the deal with why his lines are so bad?


His names Kevin Hart and he's the funniest thing in the whole show

"...I'm a contradiction"


His names Kevin Hart and he's the funniest thing in the whole show

"...I'm a contradiction"


That guy has been around forever, he's not imitating either of those guys at all, he has been around just as long as they have. And Chris Rock and Chris Tucker are 2 entirely different comedy types.



Kevin Hart is hilarious. Check out his stand-up routine. Funny as hell!! He's definitely not an imitator, he's pretty original. He's gonna be in "Death At A Funeral" coming out soon. I really hope to see him in more roles. He was the funniest part of Krod Mandoon, that's for sure.

Anyway, that's my two cents.


Feels like a knockoff of the Dave Chappelle character in Robin Hood: Men in Tights, except not nearly as funny (as Chappelle).
