What kind of other shows do you watch?

I'm sorry if this has been done before, but I was just wondering what other shows you watch if you like this show. I love "Little Britain" and anything Lucas does and I am trying to convince my friends to watch this.
In your opinion what shows have a similar type of humour?

'Cause we all end up in a tiny pine box, A mighty small drop in a mighty dark plot.


i love It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. it's got the same quickly delivered, easy humor that's randomly quoted by watchers of the show. it's also not a huge hit, but remains on television because of its avid audience--a fate i forsee for Krod. i also find Arrested Development, Frisky Dingo, and Reno 911 to be hilarious.



Sweet! I love all of them too, except Frisky Dingo which I have never heard of. It's Always Sunny is actually one of my all time favorite sitcoms. It's AMAZING! Thanks for replying man.

'Cause we all end up in a tiny pine box, A mighty small drop in a mighty dark plot.


Reno 911! and Arrested Development are a bit different in my opinion because they are kinda like fake reality TV shows, at least the way that the camera angles and scenes are shot. Of course you guys might not have been saying that they are a lot like this show, just that you like them or they remind you of Krod.

I personally like/watch Venture Bros, Family Guy, Seinfeld, Colbert Report, Red Eye (Fox News), etc. Lots of comedy I guess, I spend a lot of time on Comedy Central. I won't lie though I have somewhat of a guilty pleasure with some Reality TV shows like Real World, Real World vs Road Rules challenges, Daisy of Love, and a couple of others. And no I'm not proud of it LOL but then again those don't really have any similarities with this show.


Two year update: Frisky Dingo is aweeeesssooommee.

'Cause we all end up in a tiny pine box, A mighty small drop in a mighty dark plot.
