I don't get the Aneka character

I'm assuming we're supposed to like the 5 heroes. But the Aneka character comes off as the hot girl who has the dorky nice guy (Krod) doing everything he can to please her and she doesn't really care and blows him off for whomever. It also makes Krod look like a loser for desperately wanting a girl that doesn't really care about him. Am I missing something? Or should I just enjoy the fact that Aneka is hot and shut up about all that other stuff, hehe!


ha that's what I'm doing...i really wanna see what she does with that goard of lube

I will toast you with my heartiest wine


she is too skinny.


Or should I just enjoy the fact that Aneka is hot and shut up about all that other stuff, hehe!
I assume that's why she's here

Do not cast your P.E.A.R.L.s before swine


Aneka isn't doing anything to lead Krod on, he simply won't let go. And he isn't bending over backwards to please her, he just keeps trying to get her to conform to his ideas of proper behavior.

Free love is a part of her culture. Monogamy is part of Krod's culture. Neither is willing to change. Krod is a nice guy, but that doesn't mean Aneka has an obligation to sacrifice her cultural identity so the relationship can work. Reminds me of Bewitched.


I understand what you're saying, and I'm not saying she's leading him on or anything. I also understand why she dumped him (because he kept on trying to get her to conform to his ideas of proper behavior). But she still had some redeeming qualities before. Like in the first episode, she didn't go through the 300 moon ritual (or whatever it was called) because of that ring Krod made her. I didn't see that in the 4th episode. Or maybe it's just Krod who looks pathetic as he'll do anything he can to protect/save her (but is overbearing) but she's not into him anymore. They certainly don't look destined to be at each others side right now.

But whatever, I think I'm reading way too much into a simple comedy, hehe. Thanks for the input.


Why does he call her "Pagan" when he swears "gods"?

Imagine that.


It's a case of Crystal Dragon Jesus.



It was addressed already. Aneka's beliefs and personal attitude toward sex are too much for Krod. Having sex for her is no different from a hand shake or paying for something. Krod and most men would be put-off by this. Personally, I like the idea that she has a very open attitude regarding sex. Let's face it, if she were a guy most people wouldn't bat an eyelash at her sexual escapades.



"Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. He is supposed to be a total loser. He is supposed to be everything an action hero like Achilles or Hercules isn't. He doesn't get the girl, all his friends are worthless and sad, and his enemy is also a pathetic loser. Aneka is just another character that emphasizes the joke that is Krod Mandoon."

i.e. its a comedy

"...I'm a contradiction"


Ok, I understand people's points regarding Krod and Aneka. Krid is supposed to be a loser, and the fact that he is pinning over a girl not interested in him, but really wants a different guy (the longshaft character) helps reinforce the fact that he's not the stereotypical strong and confident hero type. So I was wrong with my initial criticism which started this post.

I disagree with the person who says if the roles were switched, everyone would think it was fine. If the roles were switched, everyone would see the girl as the poor sad girl who loves this guy who is not into her and should move on, and there would be debate about the guy. He would either be seen as the stereotypical male jerk who sleeps around, or as a guy simply following his religious beliefs, and it's the girls fault for desperately wanting someone who has admitted he wants an open relationship.

However, I think the fact that Aneka cries when she learns that Krod died is a pretty random change of events. For the past few episodes she's been completely ignoring Krod, and has been enamored with the Longhaft character. Even a review of the show agrees:

"It would have been a bit more interesting to see Longshaft as the traitor perhaps and it didn't seem quite right to have Aneka suddenly care about Krod so dramatically."


Aneka cares about Krod a lot: she's just pissed at him for constantly trying to get her to change who she was( I think the chastity belt was the straw that broke the camel's back). I guess her way of showing her anger was ignoring Krod, besides they broke up anyway and Longshaft seems more than fine with letting Aneka be herself. But I'm sure Aneka still has feelings for Krod, so her crying didn't seem random at all to me.

~~~~Thank God for DVRs~~~~


I personally would like to see Krod meet a new romantic interest.


Casual fan, you make good points and I agree with what you're saying, but like the reviewer states, it was pretty random because the writers didn't really cover the way the Aneka character feels about Krod. A complaint about the show is that it can feel rushed and it seems like the writers can't address everything they want to in the 30 minute time slot. I think this may be an example of that problem.


Its clear that Krod likes Aneka, and Aneka likes Krod. Aneka just wants to be in a sexually free relationship. Krod wants a monogamous relationship, so their viewpoints conflict. Aneka cried when she heard that Krod died because she does truly care about him.

Krod couldn't bring himself to forget about Aneka when the guys were trying to pick up women because he is still hung up on Aneka.


I think you got it Vileone.
Both Krod and Aneka care about each other but they just have different visions about what a relationship should be. Krod wants Aneka to conform to his ideas about women, sex & relationships. Aneka wants to have an open sexual relationship even though she really does care about Krod. So while she was sleeping with Longshaft, it made sense that when she beleived that Krod was dead she did cry and really feel awful with how they said goodbye to each to each other.


"I think the fact that Aneka cries when she learns that Krod died is a pretty random change of events."

You don't really understand women, do you?


Wow, people can get very personal and harsh when talking about fictional TV characters, hehe. But no, I don't always understand fictional TV characters or where writers are going with them, so I posted this thread and people have been helpful with their views.

As I said before I understand the reasons/theory behind her crying about Krod, but I felt they were points the writers didn't really get to address. That's why I agreed with the reviewer who said it didn't feel quite right to have Aneka dramatically care about Krod.

I've seen some complaints that the show can feel rushed, or that some events in the show seem random and unexplained because the writers don't seem to have enough time to address everything they want to in an episode. In fact, the British airing of this show is longer than the American airing. I felt like that may have been the case here, and I saw a review of the show which also stated this so I posted that portion here.

Anyway to each their own. So far I enjoy this show and would like to see it get renewed, although I have no idea how the ratings have been except for the premiere.



I get the general feeling that she possibly loves Krod. What she doesn't love about him is how he tries to change who it is.

Unfortuantely it not about leaving the toilet seat up, it's about thinking of Sex as a fun thing to do when you can. Just not solely with her boyfriend.

The Truth is a lie in the making.


she never didnt care for krod that wasnt the point of it. its a comedy she cares for him she just aint going to give up her relgious beliefs to please him.


That's kind of the ongoing joke of the show... he's the hero but a complete loser.


yeah you're right, the hero should get the girl. That would make it better... come to think of it why cant his warlock do any magic!? thats just stupid!! and how come the bad guy acts like an idiot!!?? the whole show is messed up man! it makes no sense, its not even serious

I think you're missing something

"...I'm a contradiction"
