MovieChat Forums > Messengers 2: The Scarecrow (2009) Discussion > in the minoriy...never saw the first one...

in the minoriy...never saw the first one..

I just have to laugh at all of the reviews of this prequel. As stated, I've never even seen the first Messengers and just decided to watch this as some cheap horror entertainment, especially since I like movies based around scarecrows (although I'm still waiting for a good one to come out. Any suggestions?) And going into this movie with a TOTALLY different perspective than anyone looking for a prequel, I agree with everyone, it SUCKED!! Lame, lame, lame. LAME. The fist 15 or 20 minutes looked like it might have some potential, but it SPED downhill after that. I guess I just find it funny that this movie is so bad that even viewers with completely different expectations all found it to be awful. Although I do apologize for my use of "everyone", I'm sure the movie has some fans, I think it even has some 10 star votes. I'm just referring to the vibe that I've been getting from the board comments so far. :) Big dissapointment, but I would still like to see the first one sometime.


It's got a fairly low rating on this site, and I saw it when I was younger and more easily impressed... but I actually thought Slash (2002) was okay... I always recommend giving that one a shot to people who are looking for a decent scarecrow flick.

I've heard a lot of good about Scarecrows (1988), so check that one out if you're open to 80's horror.

Remember that time I ate your family?


I thought that 1995's Night of the Scarecrow was pretty decent for a low budget horror film, too. There is also an episode of Friday the 13th: The Series about a cursed scarecrow that is one of the creepiest of the whole series. That Frida the 13th episode is sort of what this movie felt like to me for awhile, with a killing equally something prosperous for the owner. But that show was good and this movie is not.

For the record, I, too, have yet to see the first Messengers movie, and this was given to me by a friend whose perchase to give me movies I don't like is steadily increasing.



I agree with Necrotard, Scarecrows is a pretty good movie. Another is Dark Night of the Scarecrow...sadly those are about the only two decent horror movies out there about scarecrows. :(


There is an episode of Supernatural focused around a Scarecrow. You should check it out. :)


Oh yeah, that one was fun. :) There is also Jeepers Creepers 2 for scarecrow movies, though I wouldn't call it good, at least not for scariness I've just gotten used to watching horror movies for laughs.
On this one, I actually watched the first, and I expected it to be bad and just good for the laughs, but was surprised by the movie being actually good and entertaining, maybe my expectations were just too low, but I was still pleasantly surprised that the movie was a lot better than I'd expected, so I went in expecting this one to be good too, and it just fell short, it wasn't even that bad, just not that good, the disappointment did make it worst though.
