Kids HATE this show.

For every hater (me), there appears to be a defender for Fanboy and Chum-Chum. Lots of people say "I find it funny, and I'm 25!" or "I'm 30, and this show is hilarious!!!!!". Well, thats good for you, but guess what. KIDS, THE GENERAL AUDIENCE, dont find this show funny.

My 13 year-old brother finds it stupid. His friends find this show stupid. The kids I babysit dont find this show funny. My friends (I'm 18; I'm on my older brothers account) hate this show. The only kid I know who actually thinks this show is hilarious is a 5-year-old girl that I babysit, but she will giggle everytime someone farts in a movie.

If your an adult and you love this show, then good for you and watch The Simpsons or Family Guy or something else. If your a kid (below 14) and you hate this show, post here.

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.


Yes, this is 1000000000000% true. Every kid I know HATES this show. But the adults on IMDb love it. I hate this show, along with every kid I know, like my 11-year-old brother and my 9-year-old brother.

Armed and Dangerous



Yes this show is godawful. I can't see why those 25 and even 35 year olds like it. And yes i know it actually does have some cool nerdy and geeky references but i know shows that are targeted towards nerds that have moar nerd quality and nerd jokes. For example: Regular Show, Fish Hooks and Adventure Time.

I stare at j00 0_0


My brother's kids (ages 9, 6, and 4) absolutely hate this show. There's nearly a mutiny if this comes on and it takes more than about 30 seconds to change the channel

*~* If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense *~*


just curious, but do any of you know the definition of "subjective"?


I do, in fact. Why do you ask?

*~* If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense *~*


I was actually referencing the OP's remarks. It's okay to not like something, even hate it, but to denigrate and insult others for doing so is a bit much.


I am not below 14, because I actually am 14. But I'll still post my hate for this horrid show, because I despise it in every way imaginable.
