MovieChat Forums > The Presence Discussion > Wow, what a waste of time/effort/my life

Wow, what a waste of time/effort/my life

Nothing cool or scary or dramatic happens... the entire time! Nothing is explained, we don't know the origins/intentions of the house ghost, the evil presence, the woodsman, or the ghost in the boat.

The first 20 minutes weren't bad because I thought it was building to some cool reveals and some real drama. It slowly dawned on me the creators did not know a god damn thing and that there would be no kind of pay off of any sort.

Anyone who even remotely liked this film by the end and would reccomend it to others is a thought criminal.

"Nobody knows anybody, not that well..." - Miller's Crossing


I thought the movie was ok, nothing mind-blowing but I've seen WAY worse. I can help you out with the explanation of the plot:

The house ghost is most likely her father (in his young body), the whole story centered around her father and he is the only person mentioned that she lost other than her grandfather/aunt or grandmother - this is important cuz at the end she obviously recognizes him.

The evil presence is a demon. The woodsman in an angel. I'm pretty sure the ghost in the boat is also an angel(or the same angel). I say this because the guy on the boat was always helpful and protective acting towards the girl, and mentions how he sensed trouble all day. If it had been a/the demon I think he would have treated the girl much differently than he did.

I'm sure none of this will make your movie experience any better, but theres the answers to your plot questions.

she'll come back as fire, burn all the liars, leave a blanket of ash on the ground ~ Kurt Cobain


Yes, it's pretty damn bad. I couldn't stop laughing. Man staring. Scene. Man staring. Scene. Man staring. Scene. LORD.
