Unbearably Bad

Literally the worst movie (or any visual narrative) I have EVER seen. Terrible acting, terrible script, nonsensical pointlessness.



Yeah it was pretty bad. The 'flour makeup and dark around the eyes' as ghost, the overbearing music, the scenes that go on and on even though they should have ended, the flip flopping character actions/speech, the lame plot, the boring visual look, the cliche writing, nothing was done that well. The score reflects as much.

The acting may be the only tolerable thing in this dreck...

"You didn't like this movie? Go watch [insert completely opposite movie] instead"


No it was not that bad, but who goes to bed on her own with a bra?


Lots a girls


of... not "a."
Moreover, Mira Sorvino is not a "girl."


Women with big titties.


Most Asian chicks.....LOL


Why is that even a concern? Haha but there is nothing wrong or weird with wearing a bra to bed. Not that it's anyone's business but I usually wear some kind of bra to bed too because I prefer it that way for a couple different reasons. I'm sure many women do.


I'd pin this on the director and writer. Good actors here with crap to work with.


It was bad although it started off pretty well. After the first twenty minutes, it stank to high heaven.


Note to aspiring screenwriters: if this piece of crap got filmed, there's hope.


Gotta disagree with this thread---I thought it was quite a good movie...lots of tension, a surprise ending (when someone doesn't read this Message Board beforehand, that is) that made me cry. I felt very good after seeing it; would like to see it again sometime.

