1M budget? Really?

I love slasher films...even bad ones. Heck, I didn't even mind this one - but if they really DID have one million dollar budget and this is all they could come up with, then I am speechless. I could walk into NYU or Stanford, find a kid graduation in film, give that kid 1M and I PROMISE they would make something better than this crap. I don't understand what they actually spent money on?!

Anyways - like I said, I don't mind the film - I just have a hard time understanding what they spent the money on.......it certainly wasn't actors. LOL


And certainly not on script. They probably blew half the budget on booze and pills- I mean, could you sit through dailies sober, every night?

And don't forget craft service for the lead female.

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
