MovieChat Forums > Blitz (2011) Discussion > Why change the ending? *spoilers*

Why change the ending? *spoilers*

In the book it's WPC Falls who kills Blitz, in his home, with a hammer

The film's ending didn't ring true for me. Porter Nash would never have covered up a murder.


In case you were interested in the script for the movie, she does kill him with the hammer, like you said. So can I ask what happens in the film?


Blitz turns up at Inspector Roberts' funeral dressed as a copper, then follows Brant afterwards to try and kill him. Eventually they end up on top of a highrise building (can't remember if it's flats or what), Blitz is right behind him about to pull the trigger, only for Brant to pull down his hood and it's actually Porter Nash. Than Brant batters Blitz with (i think) a pipe, takes his gun, and with Nash's approval shoots him in the head


Thanks. Yea, that's way different than the original script. The script sounds like it was following the book. I guess when they cast Statham, they thought they needed a slightly more action type ending


... the point being that, as he was dressed as a policeman, they can pin the murder on Blitz.


Exactly why would he wear a policeman uniform since he wasn't one ? Doesn't make any sense anyway


Because he went to the funeral in disguise.


Ah, you mean why, if he was an innocent victim of Blitz, would he have been wearing a police uniform? Yes, that might look a bit suspicious...


Or it could be spun that the "real" Blitz was mad at Weiss for trying to steal his spotlight when he left the jail so he not only killed him but made him dress up like a cop as well as part of a sick joke.


This sounds so cool!
Can't wait to watch the film...

Mind, sir, or I shall take of my belt and, by thunder, me trousers will fall down!


Wouldn't he? He broke into a child molester's home and smashed his balls to pieces with a baseball bat!

I think you have the wrong idea about him.
