Just Dumb ...

Jake gets assaulted several times per episode, including being shot/stabbed now and then, and gets hit on the head and knocked unconscious more often than not. And then there is the matter of committing crimes and getting arrested all the time. Hardly anywhere close to 'real life'. Why? Is it 'funny', to 'show off', or just lack of decent writing? Or is he just 'that dumb' to be suckered endlessly? Yeah, he's cute, the ladies love him. But even Magnum or old Rockford had interesting plots now and then. Thank gawd for sweet little Krystin Pellerin. Spin, baby, spin!


For some reason, his character and his situations make me think of Rockford Files! LOL. Showing my age!


They do list it as a comedy, but they could have done a bit of research on some of them. The "yellow cake" was especially bad as you need tons of it to refine into a small amount of fissionable material.
