MovieChat Forums > Sons of Perdition Discussion > Sons in the news finally

Sons in the news finally

I am happy that I ran into a few news articles (from June 2011) now that Sons of Perdition has been airing on Oprah's OWN channel.

This documentary is haunting.

If I think back on Bruce thumbing through his CD collection, pulling out the FLDS children hymn's CD, then singing along with the hymn playing in the background ; my eyes swell up all over again!

I wish these boys the best of luck. I hope the documentary opens eyes as well as the pocketbooks. These kids deserve a chance.


I've just watched it on Swedish television. Extremely moving. I just cried my eyes out when Sam was talking about fatherhood at the end. Such humble, brave, brilliant young men. Really hope they will do well in life.

"We fell in love. I fell in love - she just stood there." /
