MovieChat Forums > Prodigal Sons (2008) Discussion > I can't watch all of this

I can't watch all of this

how do you star in a documentary about someone else?


The story was suppose to be about the transgendered sibling but IMO it turned into a more compelling story about the brother Mark. The funny thing is that the sister made more of a big deal about her sex change then anybody else. Nobody seem to have a problem with it. So it was anti climatic in that sense. She tried to create some drama about the old pictures. But it made no sense because as far as we can she had a happy childhood and people liked her. It wasn't the typical story about some poor kid being teased all of their life because they knew they were different. I am not even sure if she had these conflicting sexual identity feelings all through her childhood and in high school. She was the star QB for the football team. And she had mentioned having identity problems somewhat around then. But very little was about her. It was more about Mark and her and the families relationship with him. Finding out he was Orson Wells grandchild really was a highlight. She just went along for the trip. So I know exactly how you felt.


I guess this is one of those documentaries that requires some empathy from the audience.


I felt for the brother more then the subject herself.


I think that's is why kim chose the title "Prodigal Sons" since it was about the identity crises of kim and mark.

People are like slinkies, they're pretty much useless, yet its fun to push them down stairs.


"Crisis" definitely applies to Marc. Kimberly not so much.


I personally felt for Kim more than Marc because though I'm not Transgender, I can relate to her relationship with her brother. My brother doesn't have a brain injury, but he gets into spouts of rage and has false realities. It's very upsetting for a family when there is someone like this, who doesn't want your or anybody's help, but they wont get better by themselves. Just keep getting worse until everyone goes crazy.

He has my pity though.


I have a brother like that, as well. It is really hard to deal with. He burns every bridge with verbal napalm.
