Mila Kunis was Annoying

Did anyone else think that Mila Kunis character was just terrible? What an over actor as well. Very bad. I think they could pick any woman off the street and their would have been a better performance.


She's always annoying, in my opinion


Yes, how could she ever have passed med school, internship? Phony script written "doctor"


Yes I agree.


I thought she was as adorable in this as she is in about everything I see her in. I first fell in love with her in Ted. To me she is like the younger Sandra Bullock. The cute girl next door who you can talk to about just anything. I clicked on this thread when I saw how many replies there were thinking everyone would be defending Mila here...but it was the opposite. Oh well, we all can't all like the same thing: wouldn't need menus if we did.


I feel the opposite way. She's rather adorable in this film.


I did not find her annoying at all. I usually love all of her characters. Sorry you don't agree.


Agreed! the Mila Kunis character was terrible. The overacting was top notch. We didn't get a cute vibe either. Not even close. Could not sympathize with the character at all.
Stay out of casting if you think she did a great job!!! Yikes !!
