So repulsive.

Seeing douglas and imogen together. Ewww why does hollywood think a girl and a guy old enough to be her grandfather together is hot?!?! Its so disgusting seeing old chicken neck douglas with this young girl.


I didn't get the impression it was meant to be hot.

Your protest reminds me of people who scream to the heavens when there is a rape in a film. They often cite how disgusting it is. They never connect the dots.



I think you guys need to start thinking for yourselves. Why is it wrong to be with a much older woman? Just because someone said so or because it's outside the social norms where you live?

I see nothing wrong with it.


You're wrong! It was hot and a complete turn on! It's like watching Ron Jeremy doeing his business. You know if those people still can get laid, so can we. It's comforting! And we just love young girls.


I thought it was kind of hot. Why do people like to see violence and evil in movies? The girl was playing with Douglas, it was a kind of battle, and she used ju-jitsu, Douglas's own power against him.

I thought what was fake was that Douglas was so transparent about supposedly falling for the daughter. What an idiot. First, no way does she want to be with a broke old man. Maybe if he was rich and smart, but he is wallowing in the gutter in no time.

Second, if the old man wants to string her along for a while, since he ought to know she is not going to be with him permanently, he would pretend he was oblivious to her, and be even more attentive to her mother. That would drive her crazy. BUT ... the whole thing was idiotic because anyone who had enough sense to get where Ben was to begin with would not have made the move on the daughter to begin with, especially when he is so dependent on her mother for help.

That is what was ridiculous.

Ben would have waited to get his car dealership, and then he would have played with daughter, not before.

I was glad to see him getting pounded by that ex-cop, he deserved that and more. He also did not deserve the visit from his daughter, or wife.


That's exactly what I was thinking but you said it better. I completely lost respect for him and his only true skill, his ability to seduce and use women. Giving so much power to an unpredictable teenager is something anyone over 35 should know about and avoid. His dalliance in the holy of holies with so much too lose was sad business. I think anyone older and lucky enough to find those occasional young flings knows how volatile and transient they can be. His attempt to prolong it after her repeated warnings... well, it just blew up like the big stinkbomb that was his due. No sympathy after that, and all that's left is a character study. (Or lack of character.)
