Interesting that...

Michael Douglas' character is dealing with finding out he might die, and in real life he finds out about a year later from this he has throat cancer. And advanced throat cancer at that.

What's scary is even with his money, and complaining that something was wrong with his throat, they didn't find the cancer for months and months. That sucks.


Makes the scene at the end where he talks about the best thing doctors can say being "the survival rate is high, it's a good cancer, we caught it early" especially powerful.

LOVED him in this. Really hope he gets Oscar attention. If he does, it'll be completely deserved and not because of a sentimental vote.


He should have been nominated for his performance in Wonder Boys, a film with very similar themes, but actually much better than this one.

last 2 dvds: Densha otoko/Train Man (2005) & 35 rhums (2008)


Wow, I will have to see that. How did that slip past my radar?

Good cast.


Wonder Boys is great and he is great in it. Did Traffic the same year - criminal that he was ignored for both.

Officially the best film website on the web:


Wow, I've been living under the incorrect impression one of the three oscar noms "Wonder Boys" got was for his performance. I didn't even bother to check "see more" on IMDb because it was SO obvious he was nominated imo. Shocking. I definitely would find an oscar nom or win for ASM justified.

O human race born to fly upward, wherefore at a little wind dost thou fall.
