The ending...

Just to make sure, when she asked if she could use his first name, she meant to name the baby right? I'm 90% sure but just wanted to ask anyway.


it's was kinda odd for me, but definetly seemed like they made a conection there. maybe it was because she never had a dad, and he said before that he could have a kid of that age, so i'm guessing it was that. on the other hand, which would be completely idiotic, is that they were flirting? O_o


I thought she wanted to name the baby after him, too.


I'm french and I can tell you that she did not ask him if she could use his first name and for the baby. No, in france and belgium you can talk to someone by 2 ways : the polite way and the friendly way. You don't have these in us or uk. You talk to someone by the word "you". But we, we have two ways, in french it is "tu" and "vous". "Tu" is the friendly one when you know well someone and "vous" is when you don't know well someone or when you talk to old people.
So the girl ask the man if she can talk to him with the word "tu" ("you" for us and uk). The sentence is "Ca vous dérange si je vous tutoie"
In fact she just want to be more friendly with him.


no French would name a baby after a friend's. That is a American habit, only American I would say! It is funny how many misunderstandings in life happen because we think we know the rules, the culture, when we actually do not.
I liked the movie, even though it was gruesome.


But we, we have two ways, in french it is "tu" and "vous". "Tu" is the friendly one when you know well someone and "vous" is when you don't know well someone or when you talk to old people.

What a strange coincidence!!In Hindi also we use word "tu" or "Tum" .Tu" is the friendly one when you know well someone

For French "Vous" we have "Aap" in Hindi .


So is in Russian: "ti" and "vi".. I think many other languages have it, and for some reason only English does not..


I didn't think she was asking him to allow her to name the baby after him, though it was possible I suppose. I thought there was a suggestion on her part that they see more of each other.

Talking about the ending, there didn't seem to be any real resolution/development to the other set of partners ... the detectives. It was an interesting counterpoint to the Vincent/Rebecca story, but it just seems to get forgotten about half way through the film.🐭
