who wants to be single?

i used to believe most people prefer to pair up but maybe i was wrong. i dont appreciate stupid rom coms but in a way of expressing desires they seem to be more honest than all of this praise the single-lifestyle...


I totally agree. It was refreshing to see a movie that portrayed the different spectrums of single people

Lucy really wanted something serious and she was ready for it.

Alice wasn't sure what she wanted, yeah she made a mean move to break up with her boyfriend to "find herself" - but it was part of her development to realise she did make a mistake.

And Robin was completely content with her single party girl lifestyle, completely unashamed and wanted to settle when she was ready.


Some people bounce from relationships to relationships.... afraid of being alone. Some people (myself) don't mind it.

Been in like one relationship... for not that long. No desire to really find a woman to 'settle' down with. Don't want kids. I am happy, spend time on what I want to spend time on, and enjoy my own space. Get social interaction through friends (although annoying that some friends with girlfriends are always like, "Are you dating anyone!??!" and CONSTANTLY want me to get a girlfriend so they can do the whole double date crap) and family. Sister has kids... so those are my 'kids'. I can get enough of them and leave when I want.

I don't think I'll ever get married, have kids, etc. In my thirties... so hard for people to bring up the, "You're so young! You'll change!" thing.


I'm a woman in my 20s. I like being single and by myself. I'm my own complete person, don't have to worry about anyone else. I don't want to commit to anyone - I don't want kids, I don't sleep around (even if I did as long as I was safe about it I don't see it as a bad thing) and in fact all my friends have boyfriends and I'm happy for them, and not jealous/bitter at all - I would love to see a depiction of a single girl in her 20s just getting on with things and enjoying life and not secretly or not so secretly hunting for a boyfriend. I'll date people if I got on with them and found them attractive but I'm not interested in settling down, having kids, getting married personally though nothing against women who do - my Mum is happily married to my Dad for well over 20 years and I love that :D I'm just doing my own thing for awhile :)
