Is this a remake?

Of a fantastic Rodney Dangerfield film from the 80s?


That is why I clicked on this movie myself. It's not obviously, which is ok.

You will shed tears of scarlet


I was curious to know if this was a remake in the sense that this movie came out waaay back when in Sweden..? If so is this remake is in English... because now it says opening this weekend in America..


The movie opening this weekend in the US is the original Swedish one (Snabba cash) linked above.
The Weinstein Company bought the rights to it back in 2010, I believe, but I guess they've been waiting for the "right time" to release it...

particular chemical
which can be bohemians-Semitic
- jwj, ircpeot (thru Google)


Dunno if it's a remake and don't know who Rodney Dangerfield is but the way the whole thing panned out in the end reminded me of the French classic film noir Rififi. The only difference is that in Rififi evberybody dies but in Snabba Cash not QUITE everybody dies!. A good film though, made better by there being no background music to distract from the plot; and it is ALWAYS better, if you can, to view a foreign film in it's original language with subtitles as otherwise you miss all the little speech nuances and emotions that just do not come across in a dubbed version.
