Nothing wrong with Porn

This is my opinion only:

You hate porn because you were brought up to hate it as simple as that. Hating porn is akin to hating yourself. You think you are open minded? Those who hate porn are about as open minded as homophobes or racists (in my opinion).

Do you realize you exist because your parents had sex?
The orgasm is one of the most amazing experiences instilled by nature to encourage procreation. And yet we are supposed to hate something that's at the core of human nature?

The rules about what is obscene are ludicrous, nonsensical and arbitrary, in some countries kissing equals porn. Doesn't that tell you something?

The reason ex porn stars are ashamed of their past is because society discriminates against sexual expression (porn), just like society has supported slavery, racism, homophobia, inequality of women, etc ... in the past.

The day society loses it's draconian intolerance towards sex is the day porn will become fun and beautiful, the way it's supposed to be.


I agree that there is nothing wrong with porn, and there is nothing wrong with sex.

I think what makes them ashamed of their past is because they performed and act that is beautiful and meant for procreation and to show love, in public and in full view for pay. I think that the porn haters have good intentions for the most part, because those women who do it are generally not mentally stable or are in situations where they need a quick buck. There are of course those few who really enjoy what they do, but we all know that they are few and far between.

It's the same reason that I like most people would feel deeply disappointed if my daughter or neices or any other woman in my family chose that field as a career. The same way that I would be disappointed if my children decided to be greeters at Walmart. They are both legal and honest professions but you would hope that they would do more with their lives.

If I should fall asleep and death takes me away don't be surprised son, I wasn't put here to stay.


The day society loses it's draconian intolerance towards sex is the day porn will become fun and beautiful, the way it's supposed to be.



You missed the point entirely.


All true. What I found surprising from the film is the discrimination that the male performers as I'd only imagine women being heavily discriminated because of choosing to work in the industry. Even those women who don't work in the industry but just like sex, are treated negatively.

Many times combat sports are used as a counter of example of where a male dominated profession has brutal consequences. There are, of course, organisations that think combat sports are barbaric and campaign to ban or limit licenses. But in the sex industry the harm is focused on and rarely glossed over.

Society seems to respect consent to violent physical harm as sport, but not consent to sex. We see it everywhere - hollywood still cannot show an erect penis on screen easily but have no problems showing realistic torture or perverse films like the human centipede.


Bauer vs. Bourne, that is the question.


Well said. It's that mental poison known as "religion" that causes this. The Abrahamic religions uses shaming sex as a tool to oppress and control people. You are supposed to be ashamed for doing something completely natural, this is what puts guilt and anguish in peoples heads. Then, in order to soothe their own distress people look down on other peoples sexuality.


Nobody really wants their mother, sister, daughter (or father, brother, son for that matter) to go into porn. But I'd say 90 percent of the damage porn does is caused by the way society treats people who make porn, not the porn itself.

But if you're against porn, then start by not watching it yourself, and if enough people do that, it will begin to disappear. What I find disgusting is this hypocritical "slut shaming". I bet if you searched the computer hard drive of all these guys that spew the most vitriol toward porn and slutty porn women, you'd find plenty of XXX porn. But even if you're not a blatant hypocrite, what is "slut shaming" ever going to accomplish?

Of course, there are a lot of unbalanced and self-destructive people in porn, but isn't that also true of sports, music, and legitimate acting? And, ironically, the more "shameful" you try to make that business, the more it's going to appeal to the more troubled people, thus justifying the "shame".


I AGREE with the Op of this thread, the word "pornography" has been way too demonized and ALL levels and types of porn are pretty much jumbled together with the public refusing to make distinctions between a naked woman spreading open her vagina or anus which can be very beautiful and something really sick like someone sucking off a donkey or men lining up to take turns in a gang bang etc.

Like Morgan Freeman saying that "rehabilitated" was just a word in Shawshank redemption "pornography" is just a word too, and to boot it is one of those words with a really long suffix: OGRAPHY. Well there are a lot of words like that that do not at all have automatically negative connotations, like METEOROLOGY, ZOOLOGY, COSMETOLOGY, GEOGRAPHY etc.

The word does not even have an exact definition, all those anti porn zealots cannot even define the word, a total prude would call a nude painting porn. With other forms of opposition the word at least has an exact definition. If you are opposed to tobacco or alcohol or some other drug THE WORD HAS AN EXACT DEFINITION.

Some stupid politician (forgot his name) a long time ago admitted he could not exactly define it but he said "I know it when I see it". Sorry but you cannot base LAWS on "I know it when I see it" things have to be exactly defined.


all of you your all full of sheet


"Do you realize you exist because your parents had sex?"

Do you realize that porn has nothing to do with real sex? It's a bastardized, cheap version of sex, without the emotions, the mutual respect, intimacy, bonding etc. and creates a false, sick worldview about two people embracing each other.


What BS.
Sex is private between husband and wife or committed couple.

You acting like people getting paid money to screw strangers...young kids and teens watching others have sex, often bizarre sex and jacking off,
Kids searching innocent things and ending up on porn no longer being just between 2 people a healthy thing is sad.

Sex has always been great, healthy and wonderful....just between a committed couple.
Not with you watching a jacking off.
