Love this show

I like this show because it is all about science and I did watch it for the first time in my life. I still love it ever since because of Richard Hammond from Top Gear UK.


me too, i wonder is there goin to be a fourth season, i would really like that. There are so many great engingeering projects going on in the world every day and i could only imagine that with the new projects comes a new level of complexity. So would really like for Richard Hammond to do another season


It would be better if they didn't fail to explain why planes fly... It's NOT because air is faster on one side of the wings, it's simply because the wings are tilted... How can an engineer on the show get it wrong ?? This is ridiculous...


You're joking, right?

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Heh ? No. Just google "lift" and "angle of attack"... The Bernoulli thing is the well known wrong explaination. Wings are tilted, pushing air down, which in turn pushes the wings up. Action and reaction. Try putting your air outside a car window and tilting it like a wing, you'll see it goes upward as well because the air you're pushing down lifts your hand as a result... It's not complicated and yet a famous show such as this one managed to get it wrong...
