
This writer and director should be given a standing ovation. They have given us something rarely achieve in gay cinema: a powerfully aggressive assault of a film, both sexy and violent, and with a finale that's genuinely tragic. (The rape scene is even staged like a Greek Tragedy.) Keep at it, guys. I'm there.


HI nfaust1

Thank you for your comments - really helps us to begin to believe that the reasons why we made the film were the right reasons.

Keep you eye out for our follow up film



christian the co-writer


Christian, your response is much appreciated. Thank-you.

Must tell you that I was so disarmed by the film that I watched it a second time. Two things struck me: in scene after scene your script pushes past the notions we've come to expect in a gay genre film, into unexpected areas of danger. Even the erotic moments are dangerous. The other thing, your director, Simon Pearce, is apparently a very young man. My god, is he talented. Genuinely talented. He has the unique ability to view and depict these youthful relationships with a maturity that's simply astounding.

I'll certainly am looking forward to what's next.



Definitely think it was a great film as well...and even though, Jonno is the bad guy, I think I'm in love with him..lol


You are in love with Jonno? You would probably do quite well behind bars; you would be falling in love all over the place.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'



Thanks so much for the comments nfaust, the response this film has had has been truly very humbling and quite overwhelming! I really must commend the two writers Christian and Darren for continually encouraging everyone to push the boat out and for being so passionate about giving you guys something new as you said - it was their commitment and determination to do so that got this film made and out to so many audiences. It was a pleasure to work with them and I feel very fortunate to have been brought on-board.

I can also highly recommend their follow up "Release"! A very different film but just as challenging and moving.....


in my opinion, every thing was ruined by awkward acting...except for laurent.



They weren't Hollywood slick, I grant you, but awkward is not a word I'd use. The actions of each character were appropriate in each situation. If a performance was unvarnished, it disarmed my expectations.


awkward, as in, bad acting...
saying hollywood isn't saying much.rawness would've been better. suspension of disbelief is what was missing.
they seemed self-conscious and lacked chemistry...particularly the three in the gang. and a little background could help make the characters more real.



I didn't think it was bad at all.
