MovieChat Forums > Gears of War 2 (2008) Discussion > Anyone Play Horde Alone?

Anyone Play Horde Alone?

If so how far have you gotten before it becomes almost impossible to continue?


I do cause i dont have live. I think i got to level 8. I just found a corner on the ruins map and hunkered down behind cover and waited for them to come to me. I'd run out of my cover one or two times a round when there was a lull in the fighting to grab weapons and ammo of the guys I had killed. Eventually I got killed by a boomshot while I was setting up a headshot with my longshot

The wicked of the world will look up and cry "SAVE US!"...and I will whisper "No."


I pretty much stick to the shotgun and I almost never use it on the wretches. A single melee attack is good enough to drop them. Since I'm playing alone I never mess with the sniper rifle. I also try not to spend too much time angling for a shot with any of the rifles. I spray and switch back to the shotgun. I always play as Cole, his one liners when taking down Locust or just picking up ammo are funny.

"I don't need no crosshairs to kill you" - killing with a melee attack

"My momma could kill your weak a$$" - killing a wretch with a melee attack

"Oh wee save that for the highlight reel" close quarters headshot with the shotgun

"Mines now", "Lookee here" - picking up other guns or ammo.


i won all 50 levels on my own, camping in the train car on Hail

XBOX LIVE = lukey26
Team Motivation!



im up to 18 on my own and its getting very hard

good trick though. kill the big locust that carry the sheilds (i forget their name) then take the sheild and stick it in the ground in a narrow road or ramp.
this stops the big locust getting past and sneeking up behind you

People will look and say 'That poor disabled person CAN FLY!'


i got to 26 on insane on my own and all 50 with a friend.


I beat all 50 on normal on gridlock. Just grab one of the boomshields and set it up on one of the side towers where the weapons spawn. You can close up the only entrance with one boomshield and then just pick them off. If someone tries to send a boomshot your way, just duck behind cover and it will go over your head. The only tricky part is you have to make sure to take out all of the smaller locust or they could kick the boomshield down.


I have started using the grenades as proximity mines on Hail and Blood Drive. I get up on the bridge level and mine both ends then pick the drones off at my leisure.



I only played three times, but my fave so far is pavilion. In the middle of the map there's a little room with a shield and an ammo box nearby. Never moved out of the area. Playing on easy and alone, I managed to wave eight.

With two people, I reckon you could easily get past wave ten without much difficulty. One person take one end each. Watch out for the flamers and chainsaw wielding *beep* though.



get 2-3 buds, play horde on insane and thank me whenever u feel like comin back to reality ;)

