No More! (GOW Movie)

Please for the love of god please stop saying Michael Clark Duncan for Cole. The Mighty Rasta/Lester Speight/Terry Tate will be Cole. He voiced him, Cole was modeled after him....HE IS COLE. Plus MCD has done so many movies that when you see him you think of MCD not cole, when I see terry tate I go "look its cole train".

No one fits better:

Also you can almost count batista out for marcus or dom as well. He can barely act in wrestling let alone a movie and im not a wrestling hater either.

My vote for Dom look wise (not the greatest actor)...Frankie G.


I've got a better idea. Don't make a GoW movie at all.


too late, summer 2010


Ye gads, is Hollywood that desperate?


The Mighty Rasta looks nothing like Cole. he was just a voice actor. They should cast AAALLLLL unknowns whom can really act and look the part. I do agree about the wrestlers. I cringed when someone suggested the Rock as Marcus or Dom. OOOOOh the stupidity,

"This town needs an enema"


So you're saying that this guy:
Looks nothing like this: .jpg ?
You're never going to get a 100% match, but give him a hairpiece and the armour and he'll be as close as any actor can get. Once he opens his mouth he will be Cole.

I agree about the wrestlers though, they can mostly carry a film just by being themselves, which isn't going to cut it here, we need people who can play the characters.

"It is a well-known fact to those who know it well..." (Robert Rankin)


I agree about the unknowns, I definately dont wanna see a movie with a bunch of big names that makes a big pile of sh... However, you dont really need coletrain to act, he just needs to be there to hoot and holler and be the coletrain. Leave the acting and "getting deep" for the rest of the characters, especially Dom and Maria which is why Idont think Frankie G should be Dom even though he looks the part.

Oh and lester definately looks like him, let him grow out his hair and grow a beard. Check out my youtube video from the original post to see him in the armor.


Terry Crews can play as Cole that would be funny as hell. He is buff enough to be Cole though.

Don't fall for an ugly girl. You'll lose half your face and get killed by a guy in a bat suit.


Just because he's perfect doesn't mean he's going to get cast, that's not how Hollywood works. The people making this movie want to make money, and big names sell films. The simple fact is that putting a name like Michael Clark Duncan on the poster will attract more viewers than Lester Speight. It's just not practical to make a film entirely with unknowns, you could make the same argument for almost any kind of adaptation, but it never happens. You can't say that the Dark Knight was ruined for having an internationally recognisable cast can you?
Named actors don't ruin films, but bad casting does, so it's just a case of getting it right. One name I've seen floating round is Mickey Rourke for Marcus, which I think is spot on. He's a fantastic actor, he's got the look of a grizzled veteran and his voice is pretty close to the game character already.
What this film really needs is people like Rourke, character actors as well as tough guys.

That was an awesome video, even with the cheap armour and plastic lancer, Lester Speight is still the Cole Train. Despite everything I've just said I really hope he gets cast, there is no one better to play the character.

"It is a well-known fact to those who know it well..." (Robert Rankin)


He's a fantastic actor, he's got the look of a grizzled veteran and his voice is pretty close to the game character already.
What this film really needs is people like Rourke, character actors as well as tough guys.

As much as I love... no, too strong a word. As much as I enjoyed both the GoW games, there weren't any real 'characters', just four flavours of bland space marine-esque archtypes (level-headed leader, passionate second in command, annoying black guy and the snarky SOB).

Dress up four shaved bears in disposed power armour costumes from a Warhammer 40K convention that you pretty much got your cast there.


But films and video games are completely different mediums which rely on different techniques to tell the story. Gears of War, like most games of its type, was more or less a long gun battle (and a few bits of problem solving thrown in) with some cut scenes to establish objectives and change the location. I assure you that when the movie comes out it won't be one big 90 minute action scene, they'll explore the world and the characters a bit more. I would say that the gears were more than archetypes, each did have a distinct personality, that is why we need real actors, people who can take on these traits and build on them to to create fully formed cinematic characters.

"It is a well-known fact to those who know it well..." (Robert Rankin)


"The simple fact is that putting a name like Michael Clark Duncan on the poster will attract more viewers than Lester Speight. "

Tell that one to Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-li.

I would agree with Mickey Rourke if he wasent too old, hes 57 now, if gears of war was a trilogy that lasted at the minimum 6 years, we would have a 63 year old marcus.
