Religion Joke?

The first time I played this game, I thought that the dialog between Marcus and Carmine, in the training sequence, went like this:

Marcus: We don't want you getting religious out there.
Carmine: Religious? Oh, I get it, full of holes.

I actually thought that this was really funny, probably because I'm an atheist. Playing a second time, a was a little disappointed at the "holey" reference.

"Now What?"
-Treat Williams, "Deep Rising"



kevfent you are an idiot. you will also rot in hell for seven years you piece of SHlT. then the lord will give you a second chance to come up to heaven. i hope to see you then.


With a username like 'Livin High' you certainly are uptight about religion. Go fellate a priest.

Oh and Dtor0903 i loved that scene in Dogma...Great film :)



Seven years... Is that what you Theists consider 'ETERNAL damnation' nowadays? You should really start at least ATTEMPTING to get your story straight one of these days before you start promising talking snakes, suffering at the hands of mythological creatures in a fiery pit, or that some invisible man in the sky (or his son? or a ghost that knocks up virgins?) has a mancrush on EVERYTHING he created, but can't wrap his head around two men that love each other.
Wacky Christians.
Welcome to 2009.

Brains for dinner
Brains for lunch
Brains for breakfast
Brains for brunch


I thought they were talking about those holes the locust's climb through
