Gears of War 3

im so bored with video games right now, halo is old for me. Gears 2 was never great for me, and Call of duty world at war is pretty good.

I cant wait for gears of war 3 though.

Any ideas for what the plot is gonna be?


Over-sized men grunting at each other from the inside of their tank-sized body amour? You know, like in the first two games?


yeah i know what you mean, but i have actually followed the story closely. Im not a video game nerd at all and this was the only story that i have ever followed closely in a video game. Everything else i dont care. I don't know why, but this is the only video game that i followed closely.

Hopefully they take it to the next level and it is good.


I think the story is going to be epic as hell. I just hope they sort the multiplayer out. I went back to gears 1 after a while because it was more intense and fun. GOW 2 multiplayer was a little too slow for me. If they retain the multiplayr feel of GOW 1 with the new gameplay features of GOW 2 then it will be the best online game ever.

This aggression will not stand, Man!


I generally like Gears of War 2 online, i like the large selection of maps, playable characters, game types and Horde which is great fun too.

Only problem is all the lag i know some is genuine (ie people with poor connections are chosen to host), so they should have dedicated servers which will stop this problem. Then you get all the lag switchers and standby people who need to be dealt with.

The glitches annoy me too, these can be easily fixed by Epic such as the shield glitch on Pavillion, the smoke grenade glitch on Security and the one where people are getting to level 100 by cheating too.

I can see how people get annoyed with GOW2 as those problems annoy everyone



yeah i sure cant wait
