The gears movie...

The Gears of War movie shoulden't be centered around Marcus and Dom. Think about it, no matter who plays them, it just won't be the same. John Dimaggio's voice is undeniable, no1 could pull it off. I think the movie should be centered around a different set of cogs right before E-day. The movie takes us through E-day explaining many unanswered questions, and guess what? the images of Dom and Marcus won't be ruined. I also think that the Mighty Rasta could be part of the cast, I mean c'mon, he physically looks just like Cole, and of coarse has the PERFECT voice.

Think about it, you don't want our favorite gears heros images soiled by *beep* acting. Give em a cameo sure, but for the most part, keep them out of the movie.

Here's my audition tape for Marcus.

"The world will look up and shout, 'Save us!' And I'll whisper, 'Shut up world.'"


well, thats why they have the Gears of War book, Aspho Fields. Besides, doing somthing like that would totally ruin the Gears of War experience for everybody that loves it. What they should do is do it like they did the first game, then have a flashback sequences that kind of fill in the gaps, but c'mon, there is no Gears of War if there is no Marcus and Dom, LITERALLY.


There's no Gears of War movie if Marcus and Dom can't act...
They just have to land someone who is damn near perfect or it won't work.


put it this way , it could be a Huge hit movie if they follow the story.

they should however think carefully about the cast cause only certain actors would be able to fit the parts. rumoured of some of the cast

Bruce Willis
Michael Clark Duncan
The Rock
Eva Mendez
Terry Crews

not sure weather there some of the cast or what parts they would play.

i dunno what to think about it , WB on your views


You gotta have Mighty Rasta, that's the cole train's voice actor, he's huge, just like cole, so no more about Michael Clark Duncan. lol


Here is my picks for the Gears of War Cast:
Augustus Cole: MIGHTY RASTA
Victor Hoffman: R. LEE EREMY

I took the liberty of photoshopping their faces onto these characters and they all are the perfect fit. Take a look.
(Marcus, Dom, Cole, and Baird)

{This was done by poster "kindofabigdeal35" in August 17 2008.I think its great casting.}

Esther-"It's Polyester,sucka!"
Fred-"Polly-Esther,thats you.Half women-half parrot!"


Ehhh it looks okay. Could be better.

Don't fall for an ugly girl. You'll lose half your face and get killed by a guy in a bat suit.


Great Casting


purcell looks like a wuss....well, his head anyway.

Though kinda old, one guy who is big and has a near matching voice is ron perlman

Opinions are like azzholes, everyone has one and they usually stink."


Hows about Vinnie Jones as Marcus?

I know you will probably all say no but i think he could pull it off


Wow, I'm all for video games being translated to the big screen, but I just don't see how Gears of War would make a good movie. It's a fun game and a good enough story for a game, but for as far as a movie, I don't think it would translate at all, unless you want another "Doom" on your hands. It's all action and little story, and Hollywood screws up every attempt at making a great storyline from a video game into a good movie. I wouldn't even really think about watching a Gears of War movie.


Terry Tate (office linebacker) needs to play cole!!


Marcus Fenix-Mickey Rourke
Dom- Bruce Cambel
Coletrane-Michael Clark Duncan
........and some how fit Ron Pearlman into it.
If you believe in Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it put this as your signature


Baird - Alan Tyduk
Cole - Michael Clarke Duncan
Dom - Karl Urban?
Marcus - Gerard Butler?

People will look and say 'That poor disabled person CAN FLY!'


Baird: Ron Eldard
Cole: lester Speight
Kim: Arnold Vosloo
Carmine: Not really essential as mainly masked I was thinking maybe someone like Chris Klein/Marc Blucas
Dom: Bobby Cannavale/Michael Peña/ Isaach De Bankolé/ Chiwetel Ejiofor
Marcus: A grizzled David Belle prehaps

I cannot think of anymore but certainly Cole is pretty wrapped up which is a good start. Marcus will be the hardest choice, it probably will go to someone like Hugh Jackman which wont be so bad


For Marcus I've actually been thinking Kiefer Sutherland.
Once you give him the bandanna, the goatee and darken his eyebrows and he'll look close enough to the game character. He's already in good shape and the armour will help bulk him out to the right build. His voice isn't a million miles away from the game and he has experience playing soldiers and badass characters. Not to mention that he's an award winning actor, so when you put all that together I have no doubt that he can play Fenix.
The other thing to consider is marketing. The Gear of War brand may not be enough of a selling point on its own, but putting Sutherland's name on the poster would certainly help thing, but at the same time he won't set the studio back $20 million. So they can keep the budget down and the violence up.

"It is a well-known fact to those who know it well..." (Robert Rankin)


How about Tai? Nobody's mentioned him yet.


He's in a different squad so he really wouldn't play a big part in the story anyway.

Don't fall for an ugly girl. You'll lose half your face and get killed by a guy in a bat suit.


What about Ron Perlman to play General RAAM (or similar villain), seeing he's such a great costume actor, I imagine he'll make a bad ass locust.
And to the guy who suggested R Lee Erny as Hoffman, brilliant call! :)


purcell looks like a wuss....well, his head anyway.

The pic just has his head photoshopped too small. He actually has a large head & neck. But no one can match marcus neck size. It's just too big.

Here's a close-up pic with his head in better proportion. I think it's close.


Here is a good pick for Marcus.


No actor could match those necks either.... lol

I think it should just be a full CGI movie. Basically the game without the game....all the little clips in between would make a sweet movie.


hey, i think travolta would really kinda fit ^^
voice wouldn´t work though

O_o -.-´ ^^ :P XD oTo :o)
some boring bull *beep*


Nick Chinlund has a good look for Marcus to me. He reminds me alot of him in Tears Of The Sun. Even has a close voice.

"God be with you, Frank."
"Sometimes I'd like to get my hands on God."


You'd be surprised how many voices people can do in tinseltown look at Heath Ledger as the Joker sounded NOTHING like him not a trace of his real voice Mickey Rourke could defitnely do the voice of Marcus Mickey Rourke was born to take this part
