DVD release?

This looks awesome and I'm pumped for it. Any word on a DVD release date?

Remember that time I ate your family?


It's out now, you can pick it up at ASDA for £8.71


yeah, thats for nothing "jesus is cute", what about a usa release.
it's a freaking american movie and i can't buy it in the usa???


just use a uk site that delivers worldwide doofus! PLAY has it for just a fiver now!!...



Right... he's a doofus... because he's not about to order a Region 2 DVD that won't play on his American DVD player...

We need a Region 1 DVD here in the States.

Remember that time I ate your family?


RedBox.com has it listed as Sept 14th 2010...Looking for movies for my sisters slumber party, will this freak the kids out?...thats a good thing LOL!

Listen Lady! No one in this Family Barks!
