MovieChat Forums > Food, Inc. (2009) Discussion > We thought ALL food was healthy.

We thought ALL food was healthy.

They must have been fed this line (no pun intended) because how can anybody be that stupid? How do you not know that a hamburger lathered in cheese and mayonnaise and a large serving of soda are bad for you? How can you tell your daughter she CAN'T have a piece of fruit but she CAN have a huge cup of soda and candy bars, both of which have absolutely no nutritional value? That is absolutely ridiculous. They were measuring things by the pound, but if they used a little common sense they would realize that you don't have to buy a pound of pears. Buy one pear. Spend a few cents on a healthy snack for your daughter who already looks like she is tipping the scales at early obesity. Somehow I'm pretty sure if she had begged them for a Snickers bar, there wouldn't have been much of an issue.



No, there is that much stupidity running around. That quote is perfectly believable.

Here are some questions and statements I have been asked or have overhead, right off the top of my head, made by adults, some of which have children:

Can you get sunburn from the moon?

If everyone in the world turned on their air conditioners, and opened all their doors and windows, wouldn't it make outside cooler?

It doesn't matter what I eat, I'll just poop it all out, I won't get fat. (said by 300lb man)

I can eat what I want, all the salt I want, I take my pill. (his high blood pressure pill, when confronted about the 2 instant soups he eats for a snack before lunch)

Oh, we aren't worried about AIDS or any other STDs, I'm on the pill.

We don't use birth control, the rhythm method works fine (got girlfriend pregnant only a few weeks later)

I won't have kids, I pull out. (has 2 now)

So, in short, even though this stuff is all common sense, and some of it is taught in school, and even reiterated all throughout high school, these people don't pay attention or don't care. Or they are just plain stupid. Your call. But yes, people really are that stupid, or misinformed, or whatever other excuse you can think to give them.


"Can you get sunburn from the moon?"

Meh, I can think of dumber questions. Sure, people should learn that those ultraviolet reflections are about half a million times less intense than direct sun exposure, but moonlight is sunlight, after all. Snow reflections can cause intense burns, for example.

On topic -- you all sound too spoiled and well-fed to pass judgment on the family interviewed for this film. These people could be immigrants from very poor countries where ANY food at all is precious and therefore inherently "healthy" for survival.

No wonder they'd think a burger with vegetables, grains, meat, dairy, fat, seeds, and even fruits (yep, tomatoes) could be a wholesome thing to eat. That's the whole damn food pyramid in a sandwich. Methinks you take your comforts and education for granted.


and these people...have children!????

Oh do I feel for the world.

I get it up, I get it up in the dark, I make her feel I'm not a holy man



Nice quotes stang87, they sound like quote from primary school aged children but they are probably from grown adults. It summs up the problem perfectly, people cant cook and they cant afford to pay someone to cook decent food for them. Cooking class should be mandatory like math and english


as Einstein said, "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former" - so i definetly think that they believed in the all-healthy-food theory.
how intelligent can an obese family, that spends $70 on diabetes meds but won't buy broccoli for 0,99c, be? instead of eating less but healthier, doing some sports to loose weight and therefore ameliorate the expensive diabetes, they just sit around in their car and gulp soda and burgers. some people are beyond help...


Trust me, I've met one person who made that family seem just mildly misinformed. He told me some of the most idiotic things most of which aren't believable. Here are some things he's said

"I stayed up for two weeks playing video games." (as if that's possible.)
"I'm gonna join the army, and shoot everyone, even my own men."
"I ate 10 hamburgers and hotdogs and lost 20 pounds."
"I tried to hide from a police man in a police car."

There is a lot of stupidity out there.

"We do not inheret the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"


Yeah, that family honestly just made me sick.

I'm sorry, but forget the fact that 11 bucks could buy your family plenty of decent food at the store, but you CERTAINLY do not have to buy the large sodas. Why not ask the people at the drive-through for water?

There is no excuse.


Half of all people in the world are of "below average" intelligence.


I imagine there is a fair share of misrepresentation out there, but yeah, it did sound like they were making excuses to choose poorly. For the $11 they spent at Taco Bell or whatever, they could buy lots of rice, beans, frozen veggies, and some fresh fruit. It only takes 20 minutes to cook rice.

We're very easily influenced by advertising, and when you think about food ads, most of them are for processed crap or fast food. When's the last time you saw an ad for bananas or apples or carrots? I see the odd yogurt commercial but it's usually for the sweetened low-fat stuff which has that HFCS shyte in it.

You don't choose the soy sauce, the soy sauce chooses you.


Yes, it's very funny. People are distasteful, this video goes to show.


The part where the older kid tells the younger one they can't buy the fruit & the younger kid walks away disappointed seemed scripted to me.

DISPLAY thy breasts, my Julia!


The family said they had to leave for work about 6:30 am and got back about 10 pm. They may have all been doing farm labor, which may have been okay for the kids if it were summer vacation. Try working a 15 hour day and see how much cooking you want to do. It would be hard to even squeeze in minimal hygiene and chores, and they still wouldn't be getting enough sleep to be truly healthy.

I thought they said they only had a dollar per person to get enough food to feel full. The pears were 2 for a dollar, or half a pear per person, leaving 3 dollars to fill the family the rest of the way up ;)

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam
