MovieChat Forums > Food, Inc. (2009) Discussion > Killing for taste and pleasure

Killing for taste and pleasure

Now I realize there are a lot of vegetarians and vegans on here talking about how it's wrong to kill animals. But I haven't seen any valid points made. So I'm going to give it a shot.

To the most common question in response to this, yes animals kill other animals, they have to, there is no choice in the matter, if they don't, they die. But what about us, do we die from not consuming animals? Do we become unhealthy? No, we don't, our body doesn't care where the nutrients come from, we are omnivores, it doesn't mean we have to eat meat or we die, it means that we can choose either meat or plants and still provide our bodies with the nutrients it needs, it's a survival advantage, it's not telling you how you have to eat.

So why do we kill animals for food? For pleasure, nothing more, you do it only to satisfy your taste buds, and you don't care what has to suffer or die to obtain it. Heck I bet if people tasted great, we'd find a way to "de-humanize" certain people who are less intelligent, handicapped, or just different in some way, humans are great at discrimination you know. All we have to do is raise our children to believe that these people are "less than human" and it's ok to enslave, torture, and slaughter them for food.

And you know what? You're probably thinking "who cares, it's just an animal, it's less than human cause you know, we're better", I believe it's that kind of logic that drives discrimination in all forms, go ahead and disagree with me, I'm fine with that. I'm just ranting, don't mind me, to each his own, just some "food" for thought.


Homo sapiens have been eating meat for their entire existence(200K years). Preceding species like Homo Erectus ate meat for a million years before H. Sapiens arrived. It is more unnatural for H. Sapiens to be vegetarian then meat eating.


It's natural to kill opposing tribes and rape women in the past and yet we've grown out of doing that as much (or at least now we do it under the context of war). Our bodies are designed to squat and yet we use toilets. Eating meat, like anything is purely cultural and of course we're designed to be able to do it but it doesn't mean we have to.

Eating meat was an evolutionary advantage. Almost as much as cooking food. The combination of cooking and meat allowed us to have smaller stomachs and spend less time eating and have more time to concentrate on other things.

This in turn allowed us to be human so meat has been a huge advantage for us. It doesn't mean we have to eat meat any more and certainly not in the quantities that we do.

Most importantly we shouldn't be subsidising the production of meat which is unsustainable when we could eat a lot less of it and produce more vegetables which would make them in turn cheaper. So much land used as cattle feed is ridiculous. We don't respect meat any more. Our ancestors would have it as a treat not minced up and stuck in everything.
Why do we have to have crappy low grade meat in everything? So much processed meat.


"It's natural to kill opposing tribes and rape women in the past and yet we've grown out of doing that as much"

This is an example of culture, which it appears it is human nature to change. Not necessarily diets, specifically the source of where we obtain nutrients. Culture has nothing to do with our physiology and biological desire obviously, you can't compare the two. Ever notice how wild animals just 'know' what they need to eat to be healthy? Well, excluding 'fake' foods that we aren't designed for and have existed for short periods of time, do you honestly think humans eat meat and desire meat for some simple pleasure? Add on top of that, that we've only consumed it throughout the course of our evolution? You're going to try and say this is a cultural thing huh? And that one day our whole country will be able to ban it like racist laws.

"Eating meat was an evolutionary advantage. Almost as much as cooking food. The combination of cooking and meat allowed us to have smaller stomachs and spend less time eating and have more time to concentrate on other things."

And where did you read this? Or did you make it up?



He didn't say the country should ban meat. He said maybe we should eat less of it. Your argument based on our evolution doesn't change the OP's point that we don't have a biological need to eat meat like carnivores do. Since we can do just fine without it, and given the extreme costs to our health and environment, wouldn't it be better in every way to just eat less of it?


Damn Melinda, the last post in this thread was from Aug 2015. I already eat 'less meat', because less is arbitrary. I think the amount I consume is just fine, and it doesn't really serve your view point to discuss that, I think. The point about our evolution is, it is deeply intertwined in our cravings to want meat. Until they come up with a way to grow meat in a lab affordability for everyone, it will be eaten and our pets will need it as well, so everyone here who thinks they've won the debate should understand that that's all they will ever get.



I never said you should eat less meat. I said maybe we should eat less meat. If the world in general ate meat at the rate that we do, then the ecosystem will collapse and there will be widespread starvation. The planet simply can't sustain that much agriculture needed to feed the livestock, along with the loss of jungle required for the land and the pollution from the methane, waste and fertilizer run-off involved. What we need to do is make sure the environmental costs are forced into the products so that the cost of meat becomes too high for that much overall consumption to occur.


It will collapse, it's time we've accepted it.



I'm sure many of our earlier ancestors ate meat for recreation...



I don't indulge in cannibalism, that is why I don't eat another human being.

Hey, why don't you eat cow dung? Its full of nutrients.


You don't know what your missing out on. Both of those taste good with the right seasoning.

A little Chianti and maybe some fava beans for the first.
For the second your right it is FULL of nutrients also tastes kinda sweet
Yum Yum!

That looks bad, have you taken anything for it?
Ah, yes, I took 4 of your birth control pills


Thank you for this comment Tsukin. You are not alone. Unfortunately, people like us are in the minority.

And for the ignorant person (can't remember your screen name) who said that humans have been eating meat since the beginning of our existence: so what? We don't NEED meat (especially in this day and age where we don't need to hunt for food). There are other sources of protein. I have been a vegetarian over 4 years, and I've never been healthier.

How would you like to be hung up by your feet, have your neck broken and then your throat slit to feed some ignorant prick like yourself??? Or have your head bashed in like they do to cows and pigs? The fact that people don't care about the pain inflicted on other living beings (especially for their own selfish reasons as "it tastes good") makes me despise the human race as a whole.



For those who hate humanity because of normal human eat meat, just kill yourself, do the entire humanity a favor, thanks!


Tsukin,while you do make some interesting points, you act like taste doesn't matter. I'm sorry, but it does matter a lot to some people, including me.Fruit is fine but veggies either taste horrible or have no taste at all. Even if you could prove that we don't need meat to survive, that's not going to stop some people from eating it because they like it.

I, for instace, probably won't become a vegetarian because it would mean more attention paid to my diet. Any meat substitutes I have tried taste horrible. Why would people want to adopt a lifesyle that requires them to eliminate all the tasty food and instead consume food that has either a horrible or bland taste. Some people can live without meat, but others can't, at least not happily. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't eat the meat from a company that tortures it's animals for as long as possible before killing it.

But until they find a way to make meat substitutes as tasty as meat itself, I and many others will continue to eat meat because it's an easy way to get our protien.

"Heck I bet if people tasted great, we'd find a way to "de-humanize" certain people who are less intelligent, handicapped, or just different in some way, humans are great at discrimination you know."

I hate it when people equate us eating meat to something like this. You and I both know that this would never happen today. If we were meant to eat only plants, we wouldn't have teeth designed to eat palnts and animals.

I have no problem with people being vegetarian, but I hate it when they try to paint us meat eaters as these cruel sadists.

"We do not inheret the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"



Kaustin1067; your post was by far the most ignorant post I have ever read.

"Some people can live without meat, but others can't, at least not happily."
-Did you seriously write that? Hahahaha. Actually, People can live without meat and live longer than people who do eat it. There are tons of tasty things to eat that does not involve meat.

"Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't eat the meat from a company that tortures it's animals for as long as possible before killing it."
-Companies that handle animals treat them bad from the time they come into this world, so is that not being tortured long enough? Even if the cows are being raised on farms, and then taken to a slaughter house, they still get tortured. Is being killed not bad enough? Torture is torture, no matter how long they do it for.

"But until they find a way to make meat substitutes as tasty as meat itself, I and many others will continue to eat meat because it's an easy way to get our protein."
-You are going to eat meat because it is an easy way to get protein? Beans and peanut butter are great ways to get protein...and torture involved.

"I hate it when people equate us eating meat to something like this. You and I both know that this would never happen today. If we were meant to eat only plants, we wouldn't have teeth designed to eat plants and animals."

-He was giving an example. Are we not animals ourselves? Do we not have meat and the same body parts as a cow? Yes. So how is him comparing it to this so unbelievable to fathom? It's not.

Also, are teeth evolved so we COULD eat both. It doesn't mean we have to now. At one time we did have to eat meat to survive, but there are many other choices a person could make in this day and age. People today treat animals like they are nothing to the world..if they are so important then why do people treat them so badly just for a hamburger?

"I have no problem with people being vegetarian, but I hate it when they try to paint us meat eaters as these cruel sadists."

Is feeding yourself animals just because they taste good not cruel?

I hate when meat eaters do a lot of stuff, such as:

-When they try to make arguments against non meat eaters, but have no points to prove what they are saying.

-When they act like we are stupid for not eating meat. I have never tried to convert someone to veganism, but as soon as a meat eater finds out I'm vegan all hell breaks loose.

-I really hate it when they use the argument, “God put animals on this earth for us to eat”. Maybe he did, but he would not want us to torture animals and over feed ourselves for our gluttonous pleasures. He also put veggies and fruit on this great earth for us to eat, but people are too worried how they will make it one meal without eating any meat.

If you are going to eat meat, then find, but don’t get on here to try to make stupid remarks to make your self look better.


"There are tons of tasty things to eat that does not involve meat."
Such as?

"People can live without meat and live longer than people who do eat it."

I don't deny that living without meat is healthier, but I have a grandfather who ate meat and is 73 years old and still quite healthy. You don't have to go vegetarian to be healthier you just have to watch what you eat. Besides, living long does not mean living best. Some people just want to enjoy their lives while they still can. You can still be healthy with meat.

"You are going to eat meat because it is an easy way to get protein? Beans and peanut butter are great ways to get protein...and torture involved."

I hate beans and peanut butter.

"Even if the cows are being raised on farms, and then taken to a slaughter house, they still get tortured. Is being killed not bad enough? Torture is torture, no matter how long they do it for."

Have you watched Temple Grandin? That women invented a machine to calm the cows before they get slaughtered. So your saying a few seconds of pain is still torture? What about hunters, who I'm pretty sure kill their prey instantly.

"He was giving an example. Are we not animals ourselves? Do we not have meat and the same body parts as a cow? Yes. So how is him comparing it to this so unbelievable to fathom? It's not."

We are animals yes, just sentient animals who can talk and have big brains and know what's happening.

"People today treat animals like they are nothing to the world..if they are so important then why do people treat them so badly just for a hamburger?"

What? Your kind of contradicting yourself there. you say people view them as nothing, then you say "if the are so important. If we all became Vegan, what would we do with all those domestic animals. They probably wouldn't last one day in the wild and no one would keep the animals since they are of no use to us. Most likely they would put them down.

"When they act like we are stupid for not eating meat. I have never tried to convert someone to veganism, but as soon as a meat eater finds out I'm vegan all hell breaks loose."

I never think people are stupid for being vegitarian or even vegan. Everyone has different tastes. So it makes sense that they would eat food that tastes good, would you eat food that tastes horrible? I really doubt it. Believe me, I wish I could choose how I taste. My family really loves chicken, but I hate it. When my family has chicken for dinner I feel left out because I have to eat something else. It would be comforting for you to know (well mabye not) that I don't eat that much meat. Ham, Bacon and the "Occational" hamburger are the only meat I eat. I don't even like eggs.

"Is feeding yourself animals just because they taste good not cruel?"

As long as they don't suffer. It happens in nature all the time.

"I really hate it when they use the argument, “God put animals on this earth for us to eat”. Maybe he did, but he would not want us to torture animals and over feed ourselves for our gluttonous pleasures. He also put veggies and fruit on this great earth for us to eat, but people are too worried how they will make it one meal without eating any meat."

I never said that God Put animals on earth for us. In fact, I hate it when people use this argument. I have a respect for nature and the animals who live in it.

"If you are going to eat meat, then find, but don’t get on here to try to make stupid remarks to make your self look better."

I don't view myself as better than vegitarians or vegans, I actually admire them to a degree. I'm just pointing out why people still eat meat. Yes, to you it may sound horrible but it's just the way things are. People eat meat because they have different tastes than you. Maybe in a hundred years we will learn to do away with animal products but for now people will still eat meat.

"We do not inheret the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"


"Kaustin1067; your post was by far the most ignorant post I have ever read."

Actually your emotionally driven ignorance is the highlight of this thread.

"Actually, People can live without meat and live longer than people who do eat it. There are tons of tasty things to eat that does not involve meat."

Annoying argument of vegetarians number 1. Addressing skewed statics about vegetarian longevity, and stupidly telling someone they don't know that there are 'tasty things that don't involve meat', I guess that poster is wrong about their own tastes. Thanks for clearing that up.

"Is being killed not bad enough? Torture is torture, no matter how long they do it for."

Someone needs to watch the Lion King? It's the circle of life. I can't take belly aching over an animal killing for food seriously. We humans have the ability to have the happiest most content prey. It's the fact that we have abusive factory farms that is horrible, not meat eating itself.

"You are going to eat meat because it is an easy way to get protein? Beans and peanut butter are great ways to get protein"

You need perspective about animal physiology. If some crappy beans and peanut butter was 100 percent as sufficient as animal sources, humans certainly wouldn't waste their energy trying to obtain it and hold it in high regard. What you tout is purely unnatural and experimental. Humans have -evolved- to consume meats, this is a fact. Why would you screw around with that?

"Is feeding yourself animals just because they taste good not cruel?"

There's a reason why most people, the ones you deem 'cruel and ignorant', can never fully adopt a vegetarian lifestyle. Their BODY, not merely their 'tongues', makes them crave it because it is by far the best source of proteins and other essential vitamins, supporting healthy brain function and optimal growth. Maybe for -SOME- people, a vegetarian diet is doable. This is often due to genetics, some people just do better with carbohydrates. This diet is a disaster for other people! It's stupid for you to try and insert your own response to a diet toward someone else. Your clearly have no concept about how extensive our role with meat consumption is. Our bodies did not develop to just be able to 'tolerate' meat when there were no veggies available. Meats/animal products are excellent rich sources nourishment. No other omnivorous animal would plague itself with such emotional thinking and omit these food sources.

"When they try to make arguments against non meat eaters, but have no points to prove what they are saying."




i am sorry that you have such a limited taste palette. you're missing out on a lot of delicious and healthy foods. and it sounds like you don't eat any vegetables, meaning you problem miss out on a lot of essential nutrients. i'm sure you will have many health problems. you only have one body and one life, and eating healthy is a way to maintain that. if you could just suffer through eating 2-3 servings of vegetables today you can prevent many more years possibly of suffering from diseases later in life! and i'm not even talking about cutting meat out of your diet, this is just sound advice!

"I, for instace, probably won't become a vegetarian because it would mean more attention paid to my diet." YOU SHOULD PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR DIET!! like i said you only have one body, take care of it! eliminate all tasty food?? expand your palette and be adventurous, you will find that meat is not the only source of tastiness. and no, you don't need a specific "meat substitute" there are many delicious recipes not containing meat.

choosing to eat meat only because it is tastier and you're lazy to find other food sources is a very selfish argument. however, i don't condemn meat eaters but keep that in mind.

i just encourage you to branch out! try to cook vegetarian recipes, and try to go a day or two every once in a while without eating meat.


"you're missing out on a lot of delicious and healthy foods. and it sounds like you don't eat any vegetables, meaning you problem miss out on a lot of essential nutrients."

Ever hear of vitamins.

"if you could just suffer through eating 2-3 servings of vegetables today you can prevent many more years possibly of suffering from diseases later in life!"

Suffer is an understatement. Every veggie I have eaten (with the exception of corn and french fries) has been absolute torture (Unless of course I add meat).

"expand your palette and be adventurous, you will find that meat is not the only source of tastiness."

I have tried to expand. I really have. So far,I have yet to find anything that even comes close to tasty that doesn't involve meat, unless it's a snack like chips or crackers (to name a few), which I can't live on.

"and no, you don't need a specific "meat substitute" there are many delicious recipes not containing meat."

Could you name a few? Don't get me wrong, I'd like to know if there are some.

"i just encourage you to branch out! try to cook vegetarian recipes, and try to go a day or two every once in a while without eating meat."

Again, you don't think I've tried? Every meatless diet I've tried either tastes horrible or is insufferably bland. I actually did go vegetarian for two days. I tolerated it because I had little choice(we were camping on Santa Cruz Island and the guy who brought all our food was a vegan) but the food was still quite bland.

I don't know why people act like you can choose how you taste. Besides, who said all meat eaters would develop problems?

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"


A simple recipe I've cooked is a sweet potato chili. it's simple and filling. sweet potatoes are amazing for you! :

Sweet Potato Chili
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, diced
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and diced into 1" cubes
2 tbsp chili powder (I would encourage you to add a tablespoon more)
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder (found in the baking section of the grocery store)
2 28 oz. cans of diced tomatoes
2 15.5 oz. cans of black beans, drained and rinsed

1. Heat olive oil in a small soup pot over medium heat. Sautee onions and garlic until translucent, about 6-8 minutes.
2. Add sweet potatoes, chili powder, cumin, unsweetened cocoa and tomatoes and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium low, cooking for another 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes are fork-tender.
3. Add the black beans and cook for another 5-7 minutes, or until heated through and blended. To thicken the chili, smash some of the potatoes against the side of the pot with the back of a spoon. Add salt and pepper to taste.
4. Serves 4-6 people. Serving suggestions include some low-fat sour cream, fresh cilantro, and a squeeze of lime.

another favorite recipe of mine:

this is also delicious:

it's good your taking vitamins though. honestly, before i stopped eating meat i forced myself to eat 2-3 servings of fruits and veggies everyday. i didn't like broccoli before then, but i knew it was nutritious so i made sure i ate some. i LOVEEEEE it now. i'm sure you are so used to not eating vegetables that it's repulsive to you, same way I am with meat now. but even if you have vitamins there's nothing quite like eating a lot of veggies and being aware of how much better you feel. i have so much more energy with a veggie based diet now. and honestly the best way to start eating more veggies and realize how good they can be is to cook and every once in a while cook a vegetarian recipe.

and i know not all meat eaters develop problems, i just don't really like the argument that meat is the only thing that tastes good.


Ok i'll give the recipes a try.

But even if I do find them tasty, I doubt it'll keep me from missing the taste of meat. But who knows, that might change.

"and i know not all meat eaters develop problems, i just don't really like the argument that meat is the only thing that tastes good."

Just remember that everyone's tastes are different.

"We do not inheret the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"


it took me almost a year of eating less and less meat to get used to it and i don't really expect you to quit eating meat all together. it's just about trying new things and feeling healthier!! and even if someone starts buying less meat than usual you are still helping the environment and protecting a few animals :)


also, i should add that because vegetarians have a more limited diet i've personally found that vegetarian recipes are a lot more varied. they use a larger variety of foods and spices to compensate for the lack of meat. that's just been my experience though. and vegan food is not the same as vegetarian food. although i hope to one day be vegan THAT is much more difficult!


i really love meat myself. people in my family are always beside themselves with joy and laughter when they are able to sneak vegetables into meals or desserts, and then tell me after. i have no idea how much zucchini i have eaten in my lifetime without wanting to... yet these same people would go get a knife if i ever tried to sneak bacon into their meals. some SOME vegetarians definitely have a double standard.

i know/have known a lot of plant eaters, and as far as i know, neither of us thinks differently of the other. its pretentious to lambaste people for what and how they eat, for either side, as if it comes down to education, or humanity level, or common sense. this is not an insult, or a snub, but in all reality, and i think we all know this, its how the world is and i doubt it'll change. i'm not saying there's no reason to 'educate' people, or ignorance is bliss, but i'm saying that its futile to look down on a whole group of people for how they are.

the only problem i have with anything i've read here, is the original post, the line where it is said we'd probably eat other humans if they tasted good. something like that tends to take a lot of integrity away from an originally well written and well thought out post.


Kaustin1067; Such as anything. I never have much luck going to the store and finding what I want already ready for me. I usually have to look online to find recipes that I like. I can eat pretty much make any dessert; it just takes a bit longer to find recipes that work with what I'm making. You name, we can pretty much all ways make it. And you were right about the replacement meat, it’s not good and it doesn’t taste the same; however in certain recipes it mixes well and works...just really depends.

"You can still be healthy with meat.”
--That is true. There are even some overweight vegans. I made the statement that I did because you said that people can’t live without meat, at least not happily. Everyone could, they just have to be willing to do so.

“I hate beans and peanut butter.”
--You stated that meat was an easy way to get protein. I was just trying to inform you that there are a lot of easier ways to get protein. It’s actually better and easier to digest the protein in plants than so in meat.

“Have you watched Temple Grandin? That women invented a machine to calm the cows before they get slaughtered. So your saying a few seconds of pain is still torture? What about hunters, who I'm pretty sure kill their prey instantly.”
--No I have not watched it. I was not arguing against hunters. I don’t like hunters, but I feel if they do it to feed their family then that is fine. I don’t like it when people treat hunting as a sport however. It also depends on what methods the hunter uses to kill their prey. If they used a bow and arrow for instance, they usually don’t die instantly.

I know that people are still going to eat meat no matter what, but I feel as though the animal deservers respect. I actually respected the farmer that raised his own animals in this documentary. There is no need to treat animals as though they can't feel or as though they have no fear, because they do.

“We are animals yes, just sentient animals who can talk and have big brains and know what's happening.”
--I don't think animals always know, say when they are going to get their throat cut, but animals are a lot smarter than what people give them credit for. I’m not completely agreeing with the original poster. I don’t think that we will ever actually eat humans, but I do see where he is coming from. People do things to animals and each other because they feel they are less than them. I’m defiantly not saying a cow should earn more respect than a human does, but I can see his point.

“What? Your kind of contradicting yourself there.“
--Yeah…don’t really know where I was going on that one. :/

“If we all became Vegan, what would we do with all those domestic animals."
--We would not have all those animals today if the food industry did not produce them. The industry keeps these cows coming for the people who eat them. And for the putting them down part, are they not already going to be “put down” for us in the first place?

“I never think people are stupid for being vegitarian or even vegan.”
--Well thank you, I guess I just know some really crappy people.

“As long as they don't suffer. It happens in nature all the time.”
--The circle of life does happen all the time in nature, but I wouldn’t consider mass killings for fast profit as something that would happen naturally.

“I never said that God Put animals on earth for us."
--I know you did not say this, I was just stating a few things that meat eaters do that gets under my skin.

“Yes, to you it may sound horrible but it's just the way things are. People eat meat because they have different tastes than you."

I know people will always eat meat, and I know me not eating meat is not really helping a lot of animals out in the long run. I would still be eating meat today if people still had consideration for them. If I ever ate meat again (which is not likely) it would probably be if I bought it from an actual farmer, someone who actually has respect for them, ya know?

You hate it when people try to make it out like every meat eater is cruel, I know this is not true. The meat industry is cruel however. I hate it when people try to make it out like ever animal lover is a nut job (I’m not saying you are doing this). People will always pin others in a group just because we have a few things in common. I don’t assume you beat and torture animals just because you eat meat, and I hope you don't assume I'm insane. I can tell that we have some things in common, but I guess we are just going to have to learn to (I hate this saying) agree to disagree on some things.


if it helps MY stance at all, not trying to convince anyone mind you, but to point out... we get our meat (that being my wife and i) from the wife's aunt, who has a farm in kentucky. this woman loves animals like you wouldn't believe, posts pictures of them on facebook with the talking bubbles, raises them from birth, nurtures and cares for them, but I guess where people would start not liking her, is when she kills them, and then feeds her entire family and extended family. my point is, we know what we are getting, none of the steroids etc etc, and this old gal is such a sweet thing i know there is no way come hell or floods she doesn't go about it in the most compassionate (i can't think of a way to say that without irony) way possible.


That's the way it should be I guess. I don't want an animal to die to feed me when I can get food in some other way, but I know people are always going to eat meat. If people are going to eat it, then the animals may as well get treated decent, fed right, and be able to live happily in a big field.


well i tell you what. hopefully i am not slagged for saying this, but *i have not seen this movie.* i came here to see what peoples thoughts were, and threw myself headlong into the discussion. it is due to arrive in the mail in the next couple of days however, so we'll see how and if my opinions and ways change by the weekend...


Vegetarians don't want to eat meat because they don't like the idea of killing an animal to get their nutrients, especially considering there are other alternatives to meeting their nutritional requirements. I get that, and I won't argue with that logic. However, what I don't understand is why there is so much empathy for only certain types of animals? No one cares that you could drive your car on a rainy day and kill hundreds of worms on the road (there are alternatives, you could walk to where you are going, you dont HAVE to drive). Why aren't worms as important as cows? They are both living creatures yet no one cares if a worm dies. Do vegetarians only respect the lives of mammals?


Good point, these people get upset when a mammal has to suffer and die, and yet thay don't care than millions of smaller animals get killed all the time.

About suffering, Animals in the wild will more often than not, suffer much more greatly than animals in captivity. When lions catch their prey, they will often start eating it while it's still alive.

I rescued a flycatcher from my cat and it died the next day, but at least it died in my house instead of being burtally killed by my cat.

"We do not inheret the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"


I'm too lazy to scan anymore of these posts here so excuse me if it's already been mentioned but even living the veggie lifestyle can also result in animal suffering.

Mice, mole, rabbits, and smaller animals are usually run over by tractors when crops like barley, wheat, soybean, and corn are being collected. Also, a lot of them lose their habitat just to make way for these crops so excuse me if I happen to laugh when someone says their reason for going vegi/vegan is to "lessen" animal suffering.

Bwahah, right....

I have no problem if you want to be a vegetarian, or an all out meat eater but get off your high horses people. I find having the best of both is better (for me at least)

I get it up, I get it up in the dark, I make her feel I'm not a holy man


"Kaustin1067; Such as anything. I never have much luck going to the store and finding what I want already ready for me. I usually have to look online to find recipes that I like. I can eat pretty much make any dessert; it just takes a bit longer to find recipes that work with what I'm making. You name, we can pretty much all ways make it. And you were right about the replacement meat, it’s not good and it doesn’t taste the same; however in certain recipes it mixes well and works...just really depends."

I know this is a little late but, just because you can find tasty things that don't involve meat, it doesn't mean everyone will. I have yet to find any vegetarian meals that taste any good to me. But by all means, if you have any specific diets that don't involve meat that actually taste good, feel free to post.

"We do not inheret the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children"


just in reference to the first part of your reply - somebody sneaking veggies into your food is NOT the same as you sneaking bacon into theirs. Sneaking meat into their food would violate their moral code. not to mention cause digestion problems. sneaking vegetables into your food is harmless and only beneficial to your health anyway.


How many vegetables had to die for your stupid salad? I love vegetarians and vegans they leave more meat for me and my fellow meat eaters.

Utah! Get me two.


You gotta love how sick and undernourished every vegetarian looks too. Eyes all sunk into their head and no muscle on their body whatsoever. Now tell me whats natural about that?


i've never seen an unhealthy looking vegetarian/vegan, and i've seen plenty of unhealthy looking omnivores. i guess the vegan diet would need to be specific because Twizzlers and Cokes for all meals = vegan

the following athletes are/were vegan: Mac Danzig, Daniel Bryan (aka Bryan Danielson), Keith Holmes, Brendan Brazier, Carl Lewis, Mike Tyson, Tony Gonzalez, Adam Myerson, Jack Lalanne, Killer Kowalski, Van Willaims, and Jackie Chan

the following hot women are all vegan: Carrie Underwood, Natalie Portman, Marilu Henner, Alicia Silverstone, Shania Twain, Lisa Kudrow, and Shannon Elizabeth

and i'm sure both lists could be added to

saying every vegetarian looks sick and undernourished with no muscle tone is flat out wrong. i guess a homeless person who has not eaten anything in a while might qualify under your definition

i could make a list of the non vegetarians who have no muscle on their body due to all of their fat, who look sick from walking 10 feet, etc... and there is nothing natural about that, but a list that long would crash the internet


Both sides are overstating their case. The pro-meat crowd is on shaky ground arguing that vegetarians look unhealthy as a rule. As you point out, there are top athletes who have been vegetarian or vegan, and while vegan diets require some supplementation, a vegetarian diet that includes lots of whole foods and vegetables can be very healthy.

However, I've known punk rock, political vegans who were really cool, intellectual, interesting people but who did not eat healthfully at all. One girl I dated for instance flat out said "I don't like vegetables". So what she seemed to mainly eat was stuff like French fries and--funny you mentioned it--Twizzlers! She had also figured out certain brands of cookies that were vegan. Not yummy coffee shop gooey fresh baked vegan cookies, but some godawful kind you'd buy in a box in the store, with all kinds of artificial ingredients and colours but nothing made from animals.

See a list of my favourite films here:


I don't understand vegetarians. Animals kill eachother all the time for food. Did they heard of the damn food chain?


You haven't read the other extensive posts have you?

It's All Gushy!
