Audio problems

I've played this movie on 3 different machines and everytime the audio is really low (to the point of unhearable). In two of the machines I've cranked the volume to 10 and still can't hear anything but muffled sounds and voices. Anyone else have any problems with the audio?


Are you watching via PC, TV,... and what are you using for audio, (Entertainment System: 5.1, TV Speakers, PC Speakers, Headphones,...)?

But for a universal solution, surround sound can be the culprit. Even on standard TVs. If this is an option on any device in use, you will get varied levels of volume for different aspects of the movie's sound. Surround Sound enhances the background noise, making voices/speech inaudible. By turning SS off, this enhancment ceases, giving you the pre-home entertainment system technology. My PC has the top-of-the-line speaker system, but the surround sound function is an asset for gaming. Watching media; DivX, DVD, TV,...they all sound muffled. I have to turn the volume way up to hear what's being said, but when a car honks its horn or the theme song plays, I get close to popping my ear drums.
Hope this helps.


Neither my PC or my TV/stereo set-up was great for the sound here, but the PC was better - possibly it was the stronger subwoofer that was making the sound harder to hear. I don't have surround sound running for either for the exact reasons you've listed above.

Alternatively, the reason the sound was hard to hear was because this was mixed by someone who couldn't care less about dialogue.
