MovieChat Forums > The Social Network (2010) Discussion > Different style to his other films? (EG:...

Different style to his other films? (EG: Seven, Fight Club)

Hi, I am doing a research project for my Film Studies lesson based on David Fincher and his collaborations with Brad Pitt and wanted to create a discussion on what people thought of my question about how this film is a lot different to his other films with Brad Pitt such as Fight Club, Seven and The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button.

How this film differ to the ones which I have mentioned?

Why do you think you decided to go for this style of film?

Are there any similar conventions used in this film which are present in Fight Club, Seven and The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button.


It's not different, it's exactly the same. It deals with lonely outcast and/or socially awkward people. It deals with people in denial (main characters especially)

As for the style, it is exactly the same. Low key lighting, quick cuts between scenes, especially this film and Fight club.
The entire movie is on steroids. A lot of talking in it, again this an fight club.

Generally, Fincher is making the same movie again and again and in the only way he knows how. (i don't know if you've seen it but) Gone girl=Zodiac and panic room (suspenseful and police procedure)=seven (police procedure, someone toying with protagonist in a dark way)=the game (someone toying with protagonist in a dark way)=girl with the dragon tattoo (someone toying with someone in a dark way i.e the big mystery, sending of flowers each year)=the social network (both are hackers, friendless, and if you watch closely TSN, Mark even shows signs of homosexuality). so what's left Curious case. Do a study on that one, it's the most different as far as story and so style. It doesn't suit to do quick cuts, or boisterous music as he does in the others as the story doesn't call for it, and the main character was born an outcast and so different, and it's not chosen or desired.


when did Mark showed signs of homosexuality?


I thought Eduardo was a little on the homosexual side.


Evil Dead 2...
