Theme of twins/copies

Did anyone else notice how the theme of twins and doubles (there was a double bench that spent a just too-long moment in a shot, Mark's mention of "copying a chair," and of course the Winklevoss twins) was pointedly portrayed? I think this is to show that using an idea from somewhere else or copying is a common normalcy that exists even in nature (the twins) and it's sort of bs that people are prosecuted for drawing ideas from other places. Did anyone else notice this as a theme?


You catch the opening Dorm Room Scene? 3 Beers, 2 pointed In, 1 Pointed Out... Which one does Mark choose? Fincher did this in Fight Club too. He puts these in the film, some noticeable, others not so much but I agree. It's to Stand Out in a way too. As well as what you mentioned in ideas being tweaked etc
