Why is the rating so low?

I absolutely loved this film, and i completely agree with the praise critics gave this film. The way it told its story of friendship, betrayal, insecurity and greed was fantastic, and surprisingly entertaining.

The script was amazing, along with its soundtrack and performances. Not to mention the story was timely and ironic, given how isolated Mark Zuckerberg (in the film) became. It stands out, especially in the age of comic book blockbuster overload, and its definitely one of my favorite modern movies.

I would put it up there with other great modern movies like Her, Mad Max, The Grand Buddhapest Hotel, Moon, Room, Inception, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Before Midnight trilogy. etc

Anyone else finds it underrated on IMDB? Or is it just me who really loves this film?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Oh yes, very undateable.


It's one of my favorite films of all time!


Because it is "The Facebook movie" and idiots gave it bad ratings just because it is the Facebook movie.

My name is Darth Jar Jar. Master of the Drunken Force technique. All of you will be my slaves.


I have to say it has grown on me. Kinda didn't like it when it first came on cable. Than saw it a couple times and I liked it. Saw it recently again and have to admit, its pretty dawn good. Good acting. Good writing. Soundtrack is cool. I'll take a good drama type movie like this any day of the week over all these 3d - special affect cgi garbage that fills the theaters nowadays.


Glad to hear it! I appreciated the film more on repeat viewings too, but i really liked it even the first time! And yes, in the age of over CGI films, TSN stands out as a really good drama that has aged well :)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Oh yes, very undateable.


It is not rated low lol. What are you talking about??


7.7 is a pretty low score considering how much higher the metacritic scores are, as well as the praise the movie has gotten.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Oh yes, very undateable.


I disagree. 7.7 is a very high rating for this film.
Personally, I don't think it deserves to be higher.


7.7 is not a low score, Jesus.

“If one devalues rationality, the world tends to fall apart.”

