Did Tom Know?

WARNING: for anyone who hasn't seen the movie and doesn't want to be spoiled, don't read.

I just finished watching Summer's Blood. It was a very... disturbing movie. I think the fact that the family was so *beep* up is what creeped me out the most, especially the dad. I was curious, though: when Tom meets Summer, does he know that they have the same father straight away? It must have been more than just coincidence that he happened to find her and they be related.

I was also wondering what your take on the whole "Tom's Garden" was. In a way, I kind of felt like he used this garden as a way of keeping his father from killing the girls; as if they were somehow (in his mind) protected while they were there.

I had mixed feelings about Tom at the end. I mean, he was obviously a bit psycho - which he got from his parents, but then he was also trying to help Summer at the end.

Also, what the *beep* was up with the weird random kiss him and his mother had in the middle of the movie? Did they have some strange incest thing going on?

Just curious to hear other people's opinions on this movie. Overall, it didn't disappoint. I watched because I became a fan of Ashley Greene through the Twilight movies and wanted to see some of her other work. It's not the most thrilling horror movie I've ever seen, but I enjoyed it nonetheless... even if I am a little bit disturbed now!

You are so bizarre, even for a human.


Honestly, I feel Tom only did what he did because he had been taught to be like that from his parents. To answer your questions: No, I don't think he knew she was his sister (GROSS, but I totally saw that one coming) until he read the letter and saw the picture. It really was coincidence that he kidnapped her and she was his sister. And yes, he and his mom did have a weird incest thing. His dad flips out when he figures it out (during the scene where Tom and Gaia die). They also make references to Oedipus, who had children with his mother after he killed his father.



Actually he did say something about Tom and Gaia. He said are you sleeping with him cause he thinks he's the man of the house now, or something like that. I think they were both just f'd up. It didn't seem like they were sleeping together, that kiss was just weird.

However, Tom did sleep with Summer after he knew she was his sister. He was really messed up. It was strange though, when he was trying to help her I couldn't help but like him.

This movie was really strange!

Team Jacob/Team Edward/Team Alice
Rachelle is my Victoria!!


yeah i dont think the mom and tom were sleeping together; i think she was really lonely and kinda loved her son more than she should partly b/c of the dad. like the scene where Tom and Summer first have sex was weird.

i feel like tom loved her in his own sick way. He died protecting her, and wanted to run away with her. I think he truly loved her. But yes, again, in a really weird way.

"I can't be let off the hook because I might just get the notion that it's ok to keep running"
