Lee Demarbre

First of all, I thought this movie was cheesy from beginning to end, and filled with horrible acting. That being said, I liked it even less after I watched the Behind-The-Scenes feature. This fat, idiot director actually said he only liked a few horror movies, and went on to say that nowadays, all you see are generic horror movies like the Saw movies. Oh my God, is he serious? If the Saw movies are generic, I'm pretty sure they haven't even invented a word that would describe his filth! And if that wasn't bad enough, later on in the feature, he said when he was reading the script, all he could think was, "Oh no, not another lame movie with a family of serial killers like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Devil's Rejects! Are you kidding me? If you compare Summer's Moon to the movies he mentioned, I don't even think you can call this a movie. This idiot needs to find the unemployment line, and fast!
