Shooting location?

Does anyone know in which Czech village this movie was shot?

Thanks in advance!

"The ratio of people to cake is too big"


I wondered about this as well.


Just because I don't like violence doesn't mean I'm not good at it.


Zastávka was on the sign when Peter put the boy on the bus.

Looks like it is 25 Kilometers or so East of Brno.

Actually, that might be Zastávka street (ulice), #6 on the map. The bus was bound to Ceske Budejovice (sorry, American keyboard--I have to copy and paste the accent characters), which is to the south, about 50 KM.


Just because I don't like violence doesn't mean I'm not good at it.


Thanks for the effort! Seems like a beautiful rural village. We were wondering if they casted the locals there, cause it all seems so authentic.

"The ratio of people to cake is too big"

