MovieChat Forums > Annihilation Earth (2009) Discussion > Why do I keep doing this to myself?

Why do I keep doing this to myself?

The trailer looked better than most of the other recent films and it had some recognizable, mostly respected actors. But it was like they didn't care in this movie. I'll give it another chance if it airs again because it didn't have my undivided attention, but it was just a little bit better than the last SciFi channel stinker.


ha ha i feel the SAME exact way when i came here. I'm only 7 minutes into this stinker with divided attention and im already regretting it.

and WHAT is up with Marina Sirtis' accent in this? a combo of Troi from next gen and southern?

haha WHAT??? who thought that was a good idea?

Why do I also keep doing this to myself?


No what is killing me is the scientist women. Why do they look like strippers? I mean those lips look like they were going to go boom!

"I'll be your huckleberry"


i laughed when they went to the scene of the 'specialits' getting briefed for their mission

i actually said :

and of course- its time to bring in the porn star looking female scientists
of course!right on cue~

also i like the 'radiation-away' pills
thats great

finally... after the first explosion people were not nearly shocked enough. and the news caster seemed way too non-chalant

bad bad moive

i hate you sci-fi!

spend the money on something good for a change


I watched it for Deanna Troi's awesome Texan accent. I couldn't stop laughing! Anything from SciFi/SyFy/Whateverthehelltheyarenow is going to suck in a major way. They had more money budgeted to change their logo than to hire decent writers. It's why they cancelled Mystery Science Theater 3000, they knew they would be ripping the SciFi channel movies at some point, lol.


I DVR'd it to watch again if I thought it worth while. It isn't and has already been erased. Such a disappointment after the enjoyable ALICE. I thought SCIFI had gotten around to making good for-TV movies with no more TIN MAN dreck. I was wrong.


TIN MAN was a masterpiece compared to this garbage. Haven't seen Alice yet though. Guess I need to.


That accent was a damn mess.

(Excuse my french)


Hey, y'all! Don't ya'll know when ya'lls watchin' a frickin' cinematic masterpiece-type thing on your TV? As for why I keep doing this to myself, well, babies -- it hurts so good!


Lol. "type thing"
