MovieChat Forums > Annihilation Earth (2009) Discussion > What the hell is Marina Sirtis trying to...

What the hell is Marina Sirtis trying to pull off a Texas accent?

It just does not work.

She should have just played a regular American accent. Bad choice by the director.

"I am never wrong, I may not always be rihgt but I am never wrong."


she keeps alternating b/t deanna troi and col. sanders.


I was just coming to post on this very subject. I don't understand how ANYONE thought having her try to do a southern accent was a good idea. She totally sounds like Councillor Troy trying to put on an accent. What an amazing choice.




As a native Southerner and friend of many Texans I can tell you that the accent she is attempting to effect won't cut it!
Peeeee-yew! (holds nose) it pure-t stinks!


True people are used to her being Troi.

But come on now. Accent on / accent off.

In one scene she had an accent than immediately she did not. Give me a break.


Was that suppose to be a southern accent? Sounded more like a speech impediment.

Coffee makes me a mite nervous


The reason I looked this up on here was to figure out who she was...when her Southern accent was OFF, I knew the voice, but the way they had her dressed I was having trouble placing her by face. lol. Yeah, the accent totally sucked.

In Hollywood a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk.
-- Rita Rudner


5 minutes in and I was thinking the same thing, but honestly, her accent is just as good as anything else in this movie.


you have a good point.


She sounds like she's having a stroke


i came to the board to look up this very subject.

another sci-fi fail

the most dangerous night on television...
because the movies are so bad they will drive you insane!


Are you guys kidding? Her Texas accent is AWESOME! I haven't laughed so hard in years! Hearing her struggling to speak with a Southern accent is so hilarious, it's the only thing keeping me watch this! I can see the producers saying "What was that chic from Star Trek? You know the one from the 80'S? The one that was always sensing stuff and was kinda dressed like a cosmic cheerleader? Let's cast her to play a Texan!(And yeah, it is kinda like seeing Troi after she suffered a stroke or something.) :P Still, this is entertaining, not nearly as painful to watch as when Sirtis and Frakes squeezed into girdles and tried to play a 20 years younger Troi and Riker again on the last episode of "Enterprise".

SciFi...oh, sorry, SyFy really should bring back "Mystery Science Theater 3000", can you imagine the bots riffing on turds like this or better yet, "Frankenfish" or "Mansquito"? Oh well, at least it's not Wrestling.


they do kevoris !!! look up laugh trax and recommend this movie!!!


I'll have to do that, thanks daffy72! :) I recently saw the one they did for Revenge of the Sith, it was great!


I'm assuming they were trying to establish her as a non-Middle Easterner because the plot required that Raj was the only Middle Eastern person with access.
Too bad they didn't just let her go with her natural Persian accent when they realized she couldn't pull off the Southern Belle thing. It would have made a much more interesting plot.


I kept bothering me too but then again, I dont know what a Southern accent sounds like. I kept thinking "Maybe Im used to her as Troi" so I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Everyone had accents in this movie so I got used to it after awhile. Isnt she English? They shoulda just left her with an English accent.

It vexes me. I'm terribly vexed.



You Troi Bois need to get a grip. Reading through Sirtis's filmography she has played a Russian, a Greek, several Arabic roles and all you can do is comment on her 'Texan accent'? I'm sure she sounded just as bad playing the other non-UK characters.


Natural Persian accent? She's Greek-British, not Persian.


I've heard some bad southern accents on TV and this one so bad I wasn't sure it to be an accent or she had an impediment. The movie sucked and the accent made it worse, pathetic.


It was bad, I thought she had a split personality or something. I kept expecting her to break out some medication.

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