Riddler Puzzles

I have mixed feelings about these. Seems as though they took away from the game. I know they helped you with upgrades and such and you got those cool interview tapes but did things like the tapes and the Chronicles of Arkham really help you in any way? No, they didn't. And hunting for them was just time consuming. This aspect should have been left to a challenge instead of in the actual game. I dunno, I just think it made some aspects of the game tedious and time consuming rather than completing your mission of tracking Joker.

When you steal from Peter and give to Paul, you will always have the support of Paul.



That's ironically his plan from the very beginning. The last interview tape with The Riddler reveals that he has been working with The Joker by putting riddles all over Arkham Island to slow you down; to distract you from tracking down The Joker. And you fell for it! Well, almost...





Tedious??? It was one of the best parts of the game!














Puzzles in the Abandoned Chamber:

When you first go in, drop to the floor. Walk around until you see a grate you can crouch and go into. Go into it and through it until you can pop up again. There is a trophy #1 in there. After that, leave and IIRC, to your right is a little drop down area with running water. Jump down, crouch, and walk under the little archway. You'll see the trophy #2. Leave that area and climb back up and walk around until you find stairs. Climb the stairs to the flat then the stairs slightly to your left and up to another flat. In front of you, you'll see a door, this is the door you took to go beyond where the Joker blocked. Since you've completed the game, you already have the line launcher so line launch to your left, on an angle from where you're standing. This will being you to where you can climb up to a shimmy area. Do that, shimmy to the left to where there is a bit of a waterfall. If you didn't do this before going to the area past Joker's blockade, you missed Joker dropping a dead mutant down the drain here but this is just something for the storyline and nothing really needed. Anyhoo, from the waterfall area, jump across and look to your right. Arm the single baterang and aim it. It will lock on to a rope, throw baterang to break the rope dropping a bridge. Now this is where it might get a little confusing but I'll help you get these puzzles that will make thing easy. Walk across the bridge to a landing then jump across to the other landing for trophy #3. Go back to the bridge area and face the little wall where it will prompt you to climb. Climb and shimmy to the right until you can climb up. Hit detective mode. You'll see the weak wall. Ultra batclaw that down and line launch to trophy #4. Line launch back and look to see an area to your right or left, depending on your vantage point, where you can walk along. To clarify, if there is a ledge, go the opposite way. There will be an area you need to crouch to go through. Once through, hit detective mode and look down to see the ? you have to align. This is the invisible ?. From there, jump across and grab the ledge and shimmy to your left until you can climb up. In here is a Chronicle of Arkham. This is the last puzzle in this area. Hope this helps.

